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Non-destructive visualization of short circuits in lithium-ion batteries by a magnetic field imaging system
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.35848/1347-4065/abf4a1
Shogo Suzuki 1 , Hideaki Okada 1 , Kai Yabumoto 1 , Seiju Matsuda 1 , Yuki Mima 2, 3 , Noriaki Kimura 2, 3 , Kenjiro Kimura 1, 3

To develop a high-density and long-life lithium-ion battery, a technology is needed that allows non-destructive visualization of the spatial distribution of deteriorated parts after cycle test. In the present study, we measured the distribution of the magnetic field leaking from the lithium-ion battery during its operation. Based on the measurement results, we evaluated the spatial distribution of electric current density that corresponds to the reaction rate of the active material and the ion diffusion rate in the electrolyte solution inside a battery using the electric current reconstruction process. With respect to the changes in the internal state of the lithium-ion battery associated with cycle deterioration, we successfully visualized the part where the electrical conductivity has changed that is the deteriorated part causing the battery capacity to decrease inside the lithium-ion battery.



