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The Neo-Hellenes in the Ottoman Empire, 1830–1869
Journal of Modern Greek Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-24
Berke Torunoğlu


The question of Hellenic nationality in the Ottoman Empire is contemporaneous with the creation of Greece. By using the example of the Ottoman plans for the deportation of Greeks in 1869, this article contextualizes the so-called neo-Hellene population question to argue that the Ottoman Naturalization Law of the same year did not intend to create a more inclusive imperial identity; rather, it aimed to establish and maintain the control of the state over the subject peoples by facilitating expatriation, displacement, naturalization, and the loss of subjecthood. Through examination of individual cases as well as bureaucratic and diplomatic correspondence, this article also examines the practical ramifications of the Ottoman Naturalization Law for the neo-Hellene population of the Empire. This new law sought to identify, and ultimately expel, select ethno-religious communities deemed to be undesirable. In the 1860s, the Ottoman state faced a constant threat of separatism from non-Muslim populations, and reacted by creating an exclusivist imperial national identity and denaturalizing those populations. Most importantly, this denaturalization process would entail the deportation (tebʿid) of significant portions of the native Ottoman population, most of whom were Greeks by nationality.




奥斯曼帝国的希腊国籍问题与希腊的创建同时发生。本文以奥斯曼帝国于1869年将希腊人驱逐出境的计划为例,结合所谓的新赫勒纳人口问题,论证了同年的《奥斯曼帝国入籍法》无意建立更具包容性的帝国认同。相反,它旨在通过促进外派,流离失所,归化和丧失主体性来建立和维持国家对主体人民的控制。通过审视个别案件以及官僚和外交往来,本文还研究了《奥斯曼入籍法》对帝国新赫勒内人口的实际影响。这项新法律试图确定并最终驱逐 选择不受欢迎的民族宗教社区。在1860年代,奥斯曼帝国一直面临着来自非穆斯林人口的分裂威胁,并做出了反应,建立了帝国主义的排他性民族身份,并使这些人口堕落。最重要的是,这种变性过程将导致驱逐出境(TEBID本地奥斯曼人口,其中大部分人的国籍是希腊人的显著部分)。
