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A History of Crete by Chris Moorey (review)
Journal of Modern Greek Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-24
A. M. Genova

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Reviewed by:

  • A History of Crete by Chris Moorey
  • A. M. Genova (bio)
Chris Moorey, A History of Crete. London: Haus Publishing Ltd., 2019. Pp. xi + 344. 16 unnumbered pages of plates: illustrations (some color), 3 maps. Cloth $27.95.

Since Theocharis Detorakis’ History of Crete (1994), a new macro-history has not been written about Crete from antiquity to the present in English—until now. Chris Moorey positions A History of Crete as a long-overdue heir to Detorakis’ comprehensive account (published originally in Greek in 1986), but Moorey separates himself from that more academically focused work by offering an “outline of Cretan history” that is both “simple and straightforward” (ix–x). His contribution to the field seeks to provide the general reader with a readable narrative about Cretan history from prehistory to today that goes beyond the content of Detorakis’ book in terms of both chronology and sources.

Moorey, who has lived in Crete for over two decades, is a historian, writer, and retired educator. He attended St. Catherine’s College, Oxford and the University of Surrey and has authored several books, including Traveling Companions: Walking with the Saints of the Church (2013), A Glimpse of Heaven (2014), and God Among the Bunkers: The Orthodox Church in Albania Under Enver Hoxha (2015). While Moorey’s A History of Crete does not advance the field through any particular intervention or theoretical model, it serves as an accessible resource for general audiences, helping them to understand how Crete, as “a tiny continent,” has been shaped by three primary characteristics: its inhabitants, natural landscape, and strategic position as an island situated at the intersection of three continents (1–3). Moorey’s book offers a framework for navigating the ways in which these factors influenced economic, political, and social change over the centuries.

Guided primarily by two principles, Moorey streamlines his content both by trying to remain “true to the subject” and by keeping “names and dates to the minimum” so as not to overwhelm the reader (ix–x). For example, Moorey categorizes the transitory period between the Mycenaeans and Dorians simply as “Dorian” in Chapter 5, entitled “Dorian Crete: 1100 BC to 69 BC.” While [End Page 226] Moorey acknowledges the complexity of this long period, he limits his terminology for “the sake of simplicity” (44). This is an approach he also employs in his use of the term “Arab” in Chapter 8, “The Arab Emirate of Crete: 824 to 961.”

The main divisions in this book are chronological, with subdivisions for thematic topics, but Moorey is also influenced by the “idiosyncratic” presentation used by the English historian Edward Gibbon (x), and he inserts personal commentary throughout the text. A History of Crete contains 18 chapters which, apart from the introduction, extend from “Mythological Crete” (Chapter 2) to “Post-War Crete: 1949 to the Present” (Chapter 18). The divisions between Moorey’s chapters correspond mainly to significant periods of invasion or foreign disruption, and the chapters themselves are centered on the Cretans’ response to the Mycenaeans (Chapter 4), Dorians (Chapter 5), Romans (Chapter 6), Byzantines (Chapters 7 and 9), Arabs (Chapter 8), Venetians (Chapter 10), Ottomans (Chapters 12 and 13), and Third Reich (Chapter 16). Additionally, Moorey’s broad outline of Cretan history includes chapters about Cretan autonomy from 1898 to 1913 (Chapter 14), efforts to achieve unification with Greece (Chapter 15), and subsequent periods including the Battle of Crete from 1941 to 1945 (Chapter 16) and the Greek Civil War from 1945 to 1949 (Chapter 17).

Moorey mainly employs English-language texts as his primary and secondary sources, which is a limitation for scholarly readers. Moreover, instead of providing a complete bibliography, Moorey cites his sources in notes on each chapter at the end of the book. Not all direct quotations or numerical data—such as statistics and census counts—have source attributions, so the reader sometimes needs either to accept the author’s information at face value or to substantiate it independently. (A good example of this can be found on pp. 248–249, where Moorey gives no citations for figures relating to the exchange of Greek and Turkish populations and the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.) As part of...


克里斯·克里特(Chris Moorey)的克里特历史(评论)



  • 克里特岛历史(克里斯·摩尔(Chris Moorey))
  • 热那亚(生物)
克里斯·摩尔(Chris Moorey),《克里特岛的历史》。伦敦:豪斯出版有限公司(Haus Publishing Ltd。),2019年。xi +344。16张无编号的车牌页:插图(一些颜色),3张地图。布$ 27.95。

自从Theocharis Detorakis的《克里特岛历史》(1994年)以来,直到现在,还没有关于克里特岛的古代史到现在的英语史。克里斯·莫里(Chris Moorey)将《克里特岛的历史》(A History of Crete)定位为Detorakis综合账本的逾期未决继承人(最初于1986年在希腊出版),但穆里通过提供“克里特岛的历史概述”来区分自己,使他与学术上的工作区分开来,这既是“简单明了”(ix–x)。他在该领域的贡献力求为普通读者提供从史前史到今天的克里特岛历史的可读叙述,从年代和来源两方面都超越了Detorakis的书内容。

摩尔(Moorey)在克里特岛(Crete)居住了二十多年,是一位历史学家,作家和退休教育家。他曾就读于牛津大学圣凯瑟琳学院和萨里大学,并撰写了多本书,包括《随行同伴:与教堂的圣徒同行》(2013年),《天堂的瞥见》(2014年)和《地堡中的上帝:东正教徒》。教堂在Enver Hoxha领导下的阿尔巴尼亚(2015)。摩尔的克里特历史不会通过任何特定的干预或理论模型来推动该领域的发展,它是普通受众的可访问资源,帮助他们了解作为“小大陆”的克里特岛是如何由三个主要特征塑造的:居民,自然景观,以及作为位于三大洲(1-3)交汇处的岛屿的战略位置。Moorey的书提供了一个框架,以探讨这些因素在过去几个世纪中影响经济,政治和社会变革的方式。

Moorey主要以两个原则为指导,通过努力保持“对主题的真实性”和保持“姓名和日期最少”来精简他的内容,以免使读者不知所措(ix–x)。例如,在第5章标题为“多里安·克里特岛:公元前1100年至前69年”的第5章中,穆雷将迈锡尼人和多里安人之间的过渡时期简单地归为“多里安”。虽然[尾页226] Moorey确认此长周期的复杂性,他就限制了他的术语为“简单起见”(44)。他在第8章“克里特阿拉伯酋长国:824至961”中使用“阿拉伯人”一词时也采用了这种方法。

本书的主要划分是按时间顺序排列的,对主题进行了细分,但穆雷还受到英国历史学家爱德华·吉本(x)的“特质”表达的影响,并且他在全文中插入了个人评论。克里特岛的历史包含18章,除引言外,从“神话克里特岛”(第2章)扩展到“战后克里特岛:1949年至今”(第18章)。摩尔定律各章之间的划分主要对应于重要的入侵或外来破坏时期,各章本身以克里特人对迈锡尼人(第4章),多里安人(第5章),罗马人(第6章),拜占庭人(第8章)的反应为中心。 7和9),阿拉伯人(第8章),威尼斯人(第10章),奥斯曼帝国(第12和13章)和第三帝国(第16章)。此外,摩尔(Moorey)对克里特岛历史的概括概述包括有关1898年至1913年(第14章)的克里特自治的章节,为实现与希腊统一的努力(第15章),

