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Cypriot Nationalisms in Context: History, Identity and Politics ed. by Thekla Kyritsi and Nikos Christofis (review)
Journal of Modern Greek Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-24
Nikolaos Papadogiannis

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Cypriot Nationalisms in Context: History, Identity and Politics ed. by Thekla Kyritsi and Nikos Christofis
  • Nikolaos Papadogiannis (bio)
Thekla Kyritsi and Nikos Christofis, editors, Cypriot Nationalisms in Context: History, Identity and Politics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. Pp. xvii + 340. Cloth €93.08.

The volume under review is a very welcome development in the study of Cypriot nationalisms. Its editors are Thekla Kyritsi, a PhD candidate in political science and history who specializes in women and the early Cypriot press, and Nikos Christofis, an assistant professor of Turkish studies who has produced ground-breaking work on the Greek, Turkish, and Cypriot left. The book is commendable for engaging with broad conceptual approaches to nationalism and national identities, including those of Anthony Smith (1991) and Eric Hobsbawm (1990). At the same time, it considers a wide range of case studies from the late nineteenth century to the present. It contains, along with an introduction, fourteen chapters grouped into four parts: “Early Agents of Nationalism,” “Moments of a Mass Movement,” “Nationalist Identity and Prejudice,” and “The Local and the Global.” The book comprehensively addresses both Greek and Turkish Cypriot subjects, as well as other groups, such as Armenian Cypriots, who fall outside these two categories.

A vital contribution of this volume is that it situates the analysis of Cypriot nationalisms within broader contexts—Mediterranean, European, and even global. It thus complements a few other recent works that take a similar approach (e.g., Rappas 2014; Karakatsanis and Papadogiannis 2017). In this vein, Dimitris Kalantzopoulos convincingly shows in his chapter the impact of the Greek Civil War on the discourse of the AKEL (Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou, Progressive Party of the Working People). Another example can be found in Yiannos Katsourides’s chapter, which demonstrates an “unequal Graeco-British co-operation” (36) during the period when Britain administered Cyprus. In [End Page 256] the context of such cooperation, the demand of Greek Cypriot middle-class individuals for enosis (ένωσις, union) with Greece was not necessarily incompatible with their support for the British administration, since those Greek Cypriots imagined that enosis would only become possible in the context of British-Greek friendship. Crucially, the book also considers various contexts for the analysis of Cypriot nationalisms, which have so far generally been neglected in scholarship. The Mediterranean context is a case in point: Iliya Marovich-Old offers a fascinating comparison between the desire for enosis in Cyprus during the interwar years and the contemporary Maltese notion of italianità—an identity that embraced Italian language and culture but did not necessarily presuppose the union of Malta with Italy. By showing that such peripheral nationalisms in Malta and Cyprus posed a threat to British imperial hegemony in the Mediterranean, Marovich-Old helps revise the perspective of works (such as Darwin 1991) which downplay the significance of nationalism in the decline of the British Empire.

This volume also situates Cypriot nationalisms within another hitherto underexamined but important context: that of Latin American politics. Eugenia Palieraki focuses on EDEK (Eniaia Dimokratiki Enosi Kentrou, United Democratic Union of the Center) to demonstrate how it helped to familiarize participants in Greek and Cypriot politics with political developments in Latin America. EDEK in general, and its leader Vassos Lyssarides in particular, helped to create interfaces between Greek and Greek Cypriot nationalism and the anti-imperialism inspired by the Latin American left. Lyssarides influenced both the foreign policy of Makarios and the ideological endeavours of the PAK (Panel-linio Apeleftherotiko Kinima, Panhellenic Liberation Movement), which opposed the 1967–1974 dictatorship in Greece and whose chief founder was Andreas Papandreou. Obviously, Cypriot nationalisms have other transnational linkages that are worth examining. These include the potential influence of the Turkish Cypriot diaspora in the UK on the national identities of Turkish Cypriots living in Cyprus. Similarly, the ways in which the discourse of the Democratic Rally (Dimokratikos Synagermos) has combined Greek Cypriot nationalism with pro-European Union sentiment, and the transnational contacts that underpin this combination, also merit comprehensive analysis. However, an edited volume, even one as fine as this, cannot reckon with all the cross-border links that have helped to shape Cypriot nationalisms.

A second key contribution of this volume is its multifaceted...


语境中的塞浦路斯民族主义:历史,身份和政治版。通过Thekla Kyritsi和Nikos Christofis(评论)



  • 语境中的塞浦路斯民族主义:历史,身份和政治版。由Thekla Kyritsi和Nikos Christofis
  • 尼古拉斯·帕帕多哥尼斯(生物)
Thekla Kyritsi和Nikos Christofis,《语境中的塞浦路斯民族主义:历史,身份和政治》编辑。湛(Cham):帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦(Palgrave Macmillan)。2018。xvii +340。布€93.08。

审查的卷是塞族民族主义研究中非常令人欢迎的进展。它的编辑是政治学和历史学博士候选人Thekla Kyritsi,她专门研究妇女和早期塞浦路斯新闻,以及土耳其研究的助理教授Nikos Christofis,他为希腊,土耳其和塞浦路斯的左派撰写了开创性的著作。 。该书因采用了广泛的民族主义和民族认同的概念方法而受到赞扬,包括安东尼·史密斯(1991)和埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆(1990)的思想方法。同时,它考虑了从19世纪后期到现在的大量案例研究。它与引言一起包含十四章,分为十四部分,分为四个部分:“民族主义的早期推动者”,“群众运动的时刻”,“民族主义的认同与偏见”,“民族主义的偏见”,“民族主义的偏见”,“民族主义的偏见”,“民族主义的偏见”,“民族主义的偏见”。”和“本地和全球”。该书全面论述了希族和土族塞人以及其他两个类别以外的其他群体,例如亚美尼亚族塞人。

该卷的重要贡献是它使塞浦路斯民族主义的分析处于更广阔的背景下-地中海,欧洲甚至全球。因此,它补充了其他一些采用类似方法的近期作品(例如,Rappas 2014; Karakatsanis和Papadogiannis 2017)。迪米特里斯·卡兰佐波洛斯(Dimitris Kalantzopoulos)在这一章中很有说服力地展示了希腊内战对AKEL话语的影响(劳动人民进步党Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou)。可以在Yiannos Katsourides的章节中找到另一个示例,该章节说明了英国管理塞浦路斯期间的“不平等的Graeco-British合作”(36)。在[结束第256页]这种合作的背景下,希族塞人中产阶级对希塞统一(ένωσις,工会)与希腊不一定与他们对英国政府的支持不兼容,因为这些希族塞人想到,希塞统一将只在英国和希腊友好的情况下成为可能。至关重要的是,该书还考虑了分析塞浦路斯民族主义的各种背景,到目前为止,学术界普遍忽略了这些背景。地中海上下文是一个很好的例子:Iliya Marovich岁报价在塞浦路斯希塞统一的愿望之间在两次世界大战期间和迷人比较的当代马耳他概念italianità—包含意大利语言和文化但不一定以马耳他与意大利的联合为前提的身份。通过证明马耳他和塞浦路斯的这种外围民族主义对地中海的英国帝国霸权构成了威胁,马罗维奇·奥尔德(Marovich-Old)帮助修改了对民族主义在大英帝国衰落中的重要性低估的作品观点(例如,达尔文(Darwin)1991)。

该书还将塞人的民族主义置于另一个迄今仍未得到充分审查但很重要的背景下:拉丁美洲政治。Eugenia Palieraki专注于EDEK(该中心联合民主联盟Eniaia Dimokratiki Enosi Kentrou),以展示其如何帮助希腊和塞浦路斯政治参与者熟悉拉丁美洲的政治发展。总体而言,EDEK,尤其是其领导人Vassos Lyssarides,在希腊和希族塞人民族主义与拉丁美洲左派启发下的反帝国主义之间建立了联系。莱萨里德斯(Lyssarides)影响了马卡里奥斯(Makarios)的外交政策和PAK(PAK)的意识形态努力(Panel-linio Apeleftherotiko Kinima,希腊解放运动),反对1967-1974年的希腊独裁统治,其主要创始人是安德烈亚斯·帕潘德里欧(Andreas Papandreou)。显然,塞浦路斯民族主义还有其他值得研究的跨国联系。其中包括英国的土族塞人散居对居住在塞浦路斯的土族塞人的民族身份的潜在影响。同样,民主集会(Dimokratikos Synagermos)的话语将希族塞人民族主义与亲欧洲联盟的情绪相结合的方式以及支撑这种结合的跨国接触也值得进行全面分析。但是,一本经过编辑的册子,即使是如此精巧的册子,也无法解决所有有助于塑造塞浦路斯民族主义的跨境联系。

