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Saving private W. H.: The surgical experiences of Dugald Blair Brown (1847–1896): Lieutenant-Colonel, FRCS, Edin., AMD
Journal of Medical Biography ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-24 , DOI: 10.1177/0967772021995175
Charles DePaolo 1

Dugald Blair Brown, a military surgeon and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, published twelve papers containing 77 case studies of gunshot wounds that he had treated in the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879 and in the First Anglo-Boer War of 1880–1881. Brown devised a “conservative” method of surgery, the early development of which had been influenced by Thomas Longmore (1816–1895), Joseph Lister (1827–1912), F. J. von Esmarch (1823–1912), and Carl von Reyher (1846–1890). During these conflicts, Brown reacted to surgical practices unsuited to the battlefield and not in the interest of the wounded. One such practice was “expectant” surgery, the practitioners of which dangerously substituted natural healing for immediate wound resection. Brown also criticized “operative” surgeons who, when faced with gunshot wounds of the extremities, expeditiously amputated limbs. Viewing each case as diagnostically unique, Brown tried to salvage limbs, to preserve function, and to accelerate recovery. To achieve these objectives, he used debridement, antisepsis, drainage, nutrition, and limited post-operative intervention.


拯救私人 WH:Dugald Blair Brown (1847–1896) 的手术经验:中校,FRCS,爱丁堡,AMD

Dugald Blair Brown 是一名军事外科医生,也是爱丁堡皇家外科学院的研究员,他发表了 12 篇论文,其中包含 77 个枪伤案例研究,这些案例研究他在 1879 年的盎格鲁-祖鲁战争和 1880 年的第一次盎格鲁-布尔战争中治疗过的枪伤–1881 年。布朗设计了一种“保守”的手术方法,其早期发展受到 Thomas Longmore (1816-1895)、Joseph Lister (1827-1912)、FJ von Esmarch (1823-1912) 和 Carl von Reyher (1846) 的影响–1890 年)。在这些冲突中,布朗对不适合战场且不符合伤员利益的外科手术做出了反应。一种这样的做法是“预期”手术,其从业者危险地用自然愈合代替了立即切除伤口。布朗还批评了“手术”外科医生,他们在面对四肢的枪伤时,迅速截肢。布朗认为每个病例在诊断上都是独一无二的,他试图挽救四肢、保持功能并加速康复。为了实现这些目标,他使用了清创、防腐、引流、营养和有限的术后干预。
