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Natural diet of the endemic freshwater crab Aegla castro Schmitt, 1942 (Decapoda: Anomura: Aeglidae)
Journal of Crustacean Biology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1093/jcbiol/ruab015
Karin C R de Almeida 1 , João M N C Moreira 1 , Fernanda P Páez 1 , Ingrid C Marçal 1 , Gustavo M Teixeira 1

We characterized the natural diet and feeding dynamics of Aegla castroSchmitt, 1942 (Aeglidae), an endemic freshwater crab. Research was undertaken on the trophic spectrum of the species by analyzing the stomach contents of individuals collected in a stream in southeastern Brazil, and evaluating the diet through the index of relative importance (IRI). Seasonal and circadian variations in diet composition were analyzed, and the feeding dynamics investigated through repletion index (RI) analysis. We analyzed a total of 240 stomachs and identified 20 main food categories of the diet, which were studied throughout the seasons. Aegla castro maintained a constant RI throughout the year, with a peak of food activity between midnight (00) and 0600. The species was characterized as an omnivorous generalist and opportunist. The high overlay in the diet composition of adults of both sexes and juveniles indicates that they share the same food resources, even though they seem to exploit them in different quantities and frequencies. Future research should focus on the species of Aegla whose diets have not yet been described, and use available data to inform trophic network analyses and models.


地方性淡水蟹的天然饮食 Aegla castro Schmitt,1942 年(十足目:Anomura:Aeglidae)

我们描述了一种地方性淡水蟹 Aegla castroSchmitt, 1942 (Aeglidae) 的自然饮食和喂养动态。通过分析在巴西东南部河流中收集的个体的胃内容物,并通过相对重要性指数 (IRI) 评估饮食,对该物种的营养谱进行了研究。分析了日粮成分的季节性和昼夜节律变化,并通过补充指数 (RI) 分析研究了摄食动态。我们分析了总共 240 个胃,确定了 20 种主要的饮食类别,并在整个季节进行了研究。Aegla castro 全年保持恒定的 RI,在午夜 (00) 到 0600 之间食物活动达到高峰。该物种被描述为杂食性多面手和机会主义者。成年男女和青少年的饮食构成中的高覆盖率表明他们共享相同的食物资源,即使他们似乎以不同的数量和频率利用它们。未来的研究应侧重于尚未描述其饮食的 Aegla 物种,并使用可用数据为营养网络分析和模型提供信息。