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Inclusion reduces political prejudice
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2021.104149
Jan G. Voelkel , Dongning Ren , Mark J. Brandt

Political inclusion is when someone receives a fair chance to voice one's opinions in a discussion of political topics with political outgroup members. In three preregistered studies (total n = 799), we test if political inclusion reduces or increases prejudice toward the political outgroup using either an imagined scenario (Study 1) or an experience in an ostensible online political discussion (Studies 2 & 3). Across all studies, participants who were politically included by political outgroup members reported reduced prejudice toward their political outgroup compared to participants in a neutral control condition (Cohen's ds ranging from −0.50 to −0.27). Study 3 showed that this effect extends to non-political inclusion. The effects of political and non-political inclusion were mediated by perceptions of the political outgroup as fairer and less dissimilar in their worldviews. Our results indicate that inclusive political and non-political discussions reduce political prejudice.



政治包容是指某人有机会与政治团体成员讨论政治话题时发表自己的观点。在三项预先注册的研究中(总计n  = 799),我们使用想象的场景(研究1)或表面上在线政治讨论的经验(研究2和3)测试了政治包容是否减少或增加了对政治集团的偏见。在所有研究中,与处于中立控制条件的参与者相比,被政治外围团体成员包括在政治上的参与者对他们的政治外围群体的偏见有所减少(Cohen's ds的范围是-0.50至-0.27)。研究3表明,这种影响扩展到了非政治包容性。政治包容性和非政治包容性的影响是由人们对政治集团的看法在他们的世界观中更为公平和相近而介导的。我们的结果表明,包容性的政治和非政治性讨论减少了政治偏见。
