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Poverty and family resilience in Belém-Pará
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica / Psychology: Research and Review Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s41155-021-00176-x
Larissa Araújo Matos 1 , Edson Marcos Ramos Leal 1 , Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes 1 , Simone Souza Costa E Silva 1

Family resilience is a complex, multi-determined behavior caused by the inseparable action of risk and protection factors. The purpose of this paper is to associate aspects of family resilience with multiple dimensions of poverty through a quantitative, descriptive, correlative, exploratory study with a sample of 448 low-income families in thirteen Social Assistance Reference Centers in Belém, Pará. The instruments used in the study were the Family Resilience Profile Questionnaire, the Social and Demographic Inventory, and the Family Poverty Rate. The results state that the families are not living in extreme poverty; however, they still face adversities due to the poverty. A significant presence of women, where 90.6% of the participants were mothers living in a single-parent family, attests that women are still the part of the population most affected by poverty. Furthermore, the results showed that the higher the poverty level, the lower the family resilience, and aspects such as work, knowledge and human development, especially child development, are aspects that enhance family resources to face adversities.



家庭韧性是由风险因素和保护因素密不可分的作用而引起的复杂的、多因素决定的行为。本文的目的是通过一项定量的、描述性的、相关的、探索性的研究,对位于帕拉州贝伦市的 13 个社会援助参考中心的 448 个低收入家庭进行抽样,将家庭复原力的各个方面与贫困的多个维度联系起来。研究中使用的工具是家庭复原力概况问卷、社会和人口调查问卷以及家庭贫困率。结果表明,这些家庭并未生活在极端贫困中;然而,由于贫困,他们仍然面临逆境。女性人数众多,其中 90.6% 的参与者是生活在单亲家庭的母亲,证明妇女仍然是受贫困影响最大的人口部分。此外,研究结果显示,贫困程度越高,家庭的抗逆力越低,工作、知识和人类发展,尤其是儿童发展等方面,都是增强家庭资源以应对逆境的方面。