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Urban Driving Games With Lexicographic Preferences and Socially Efficient Nash Equilibria
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1109/lra.2021.3068657
Alessandro Zanardi , Enrico Mion , Mattia Bruschetta , Saverio Bolognani , Andrea Censi , Emilio Frazzoli

We describe Urban Driving Games (UDGs) as a particular class of differential games that model the interactions and incentives of the urban driving task. The drivers possess a “communal” interest, such as not colliding with each other, but are also self-interested in fulfilling traffic rules and personal objectives. Subject to their physical dynamics, the preference of the agents is expressed via a lexicographic relation that puts as first priority the shared objective of not colliding. Under mild assumptions, we show that communal UDGs have the structure of a lexicographic ordinal potential game which allows us to prove several interesting properties. Namely, socially efficient equilibria can be found by solving a single (lexicographic) optimal control problem and iterated best response schemes have desirable convergence guarantees.


