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The Kalvestene: A reevaluation of the ship settings on the Danish island of Hjarnø
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2021.1900955
E. Sebo 1 , C. Wiseman 1 , J. McCarthy 1 , P. Baggaley 2 , K. Jerbic 1 , J. Benjamin 1


The ship setting site on the island of Hjarnø, known as the Kalvestene (“the calf stones”), is a grave field made up of ten small ship settings dating to the Viking Age. Although it is a comparatively small site, textual evidence suggests that, surprisingly, the Kalvestene were well-known, at least in some parts of medieval Scandinavia. The site is unusual among Danish grave fields in that all the settings are ship shaped, with no surviving circle, oval, or triangle settings, mounds, or other monument types. It has been assumed that this anomaly is due to natural erosion and anthropogenic intervention because Ole Worm’s 1650 Worm, O. 1650. Additamenta ad Monumenta Danica. Copenhagen: Moltke. [Google Scholar] description and drawing of the site indicates there were once more than twenty settings, including circle settings. This article reconsiders that assumption using a range of interdisciplinary approaches and evidence. It critically analyzes medieval and early modern written records and surveys previous studies of this site (including those unpublished), offers a reinterpretation of geophysical data alongside aerial photogrammetric and LiDAR data, and presents the results of our survey of the Kalvestene. In particular, we aim to answer three questions: how accurate is Worm's study? How do the ship settings at Hjarnø compare to other Danish ship settings? And, why were the Kalvestene famous?


Kalvestene:重新评估丹麦 Hjarnø 岛上的船舶设置


Hjarnø 岛上的船只安放地点被称为 Kalvestene(“小牛石头”),是一个墓地,由 10 个可追溯到维京时代的小型船只设置组成。尽管这是一个相对较小的遗址,但文字证据表明,令人惊讶的是,Kalvestene 是众所周知的,至少在中世纪斯堪的纳维亚半岛的某些地区是这样。该地点在丹麦墓地中很不寻常,因为所有设置都是船形的,没有幸存的圆形、椭圆形或三角形设置、土墩或其他纪念碑类型。据推测,这种异常是由于自然侵蚀和人为干预造成的,因为 Ole Worm 的1650 蠕虫,O. 1650Additamenta ad Monumenta Danica哥本哈根:毛奇 [Google Scholar]网站的描述和绘图表明,曾经有二十多个设置,包括圈子设置。本文使用一系列跨学科方法和证据重新考虑该假设。它批判性地分析了中世纪和早期现代的书面记录,并调查了该网站以前的研究(包括那些未发表的研究),提供了对地球物理数据以及航空摄影测量和激光雷达数据的重新解释,并展示了我们对 Kalvestene 的调查结果。具体来说,我们旨在回答三个问题:Worm 的研究有多准确?Hjarnø 的船舶设置与其他丹麦船舶设置相比如何?而且,为什么 Kalvestene 出名?
