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Revisiting a DNA barcode survey of Haida Gwaii kelp: the quest for Eisenia arborea (Arthrothamnaceae, Laminariales)
Botany ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1139/cjb-2020-0160
Trevor T Bringloe 1 , Cody Brooks 2 , Meghann Bruce 2 , Gary Saunders 2

Botany, Ahead of Print.
Eisenia arborea Areschoug is a temperate kelp first described from California, and commonly reported as far south as Mexico. Floristic surveys in cold-temperate waters of the Northeast Pacific, however, have revealed its presence on the Canadian archipelago of Haida Gwaii (at latitude 53.3799°N), last reported from the area in 2000 by Sloan and Bartier. Here, we present COI-5P data for E. arborea and confirm its presence at two sites on the west coast of Haida Gwaii in the years 2015 and 2018. These collections update a recently published list of genetically confirmed kelp species from Haida Gwaii. Our surveys suggest that northern populations of E. arborea are likely scattered throughout the western portions of the archipelago. The Haida Gwaii populations reported here represent potential monitoring sites for ecological and evolutionary investigations of E. arborea.


重新审视海达瓜海带的DNA条码调查:对Eisenia arborea(Arthrothamnaceae,Laminariales)的追求

Eisenia arborea Areschoug是一种温带海带,最初是从加利福尼亚描述的,通常被报道到南至墨西哥。然而,在东北太平洋的温带水域进行的植物学调查显示,它存在于加拿大群岛海达瓜伊(北纬53.3799°N),上一次在2000年由斯隆(Sloan)和巴蒂尔(Bartier)报道。在这里,我们提供了大肠埃希菌的COI-5P数据,并确认了其在2015年和2018年在海达瓜西海岸西海岸两个地点的存在。这些收集物更新了最近发布的海达瓜经遗传学证实的海藻物种清单。我们的调查表明,埃博拉大肠杆菌的北部种群可能散布在整个群岛的西部。