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Pottery making tradition in Logroño: an archaeometric approach to the Late Medieval workshops
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01311-6
E. Calparsoro , J. G. Iñañez , G. Arana , M. D. Glascock

This paper deals with the findings of Hospital Viejo site of Logroño (La Rioja, Spain), which yielded the largest evidence of local pottery production, comprising three kilns and a potters’ dump (13th–15th centuries). The study of pottery production in inland Iberia provides valuable information on the material conditions in which the Iberian medieval and post-medieval society occurred. Yet, the territory of La Rioja has been largely eclipsed by studies at coastal and southern areas of Iberia, due to their role in maritime exchange. With the aim of understanding the specific incidence and evolution of medieval pottery at regional scale, 77 sherds (MNI 637) including glazed and unglazed ware and kiln utensils were archaeometrically examined by combining the use of ICP-MS, XRD and SEM-EDS. Likewise, NAA was applied for provenance analysis, including the collation with a large majolica NAA database. The results provided the first chemical fingerprint of the production from Logroño consisting on three compositional groups within the same workshop (LOG-A, LOG-B and LOG-C). Moreover, pottery trading from Teruel and Valencia was detected, sustaining the historical records of these trade-networks. The imports showed tin lead glazes obtained by known recipes, contrasting with simpler manufactures (mostly unglazed or only lead glazed) of contemporary Logroño.



本文处理的是洛格罗尼奥医院Viejo遗址(西班牙拉里奥哈)的发现,这是当地陶器生产的最大证据,包括三个窑炉和一个陶工场(13至15世纪)。对伊比利亚内陆地区陶器生产的研究提供了有关伊比利亚中世纪和中世纪后社会发生的物质条件的宝贵信息。然而,由于其在海上交流中的作用,拉里奥哈地区在伊比利亚沿海地区和南部地区的研究大为黯然失色。为了了解中世纪陶器在区域范围内的特殊发生率和演变,通过结合ICP-MS,XRD和SEM-EDS的使用,从考古学角度考察了包括釉面和非釉面器皿和窑具在内的77个陶器(MNI 637)。同样,NAA也被用于来源分析,包括与大型majolica NAA数据库进行的整理。结果提供了洛格罗尼奥产品的第一个化学指纹图谱,该指纹图谱由同一车间内的三个成分组(LOG-A,LOG-B和LOG-C)组成。此外,还发现了来自特鲁埃尔(Teruel)和巴伦西亚(Valencia)的陶器贸易,维持了这些贸易网络的历史记录。进口产品显示出通过已知配方获得的锡铅釉料,与当代洛格罗尼奥的较简单制造商(大多为无釉或仅铅釉料)形成鲜明对比。维持这些贸易网络的历史记录。进口产品显示出通过已知配方获得的锡铅釉料,与当代洛格罗尼奥的较简单制造商(大多为无釉或仅铅釉料)形成鲜明对比。维持这些贸易网络的历史记录。进口产品显示出通过已知配方获得的锡铅釉料,与当代洛格罗尼奥的较简单制造商(大多为无釉或仅铅釉料)形成鲜明对比。
