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Creating Secular Spaces: Religious Threat and the Presence of Secular Student Alliances at US Colleges and Universities1
Sociological Forum ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1111/socf.12725
Jonathan S. Coley 1

Why are some US colleges and universities home to secular student organizations whereas others are not? Recent literature suggests that threat can inspire mobilization when groups perceive challenges to their rights or their social standing. Developing the concept of religious threat, I consider whether Secular Student Alliances (the country's largest association of student groups comprised of atheists, agnostics, and other religious skeptics) tend to be located at schools where secular students feel threatened by evangelical Christians. Through a logistic regression analysis of Secular Student Alliance presence across the 1953 4-year, not-for-profit US colleges and universities, I first show that colleges and universities located in states and counties with a high percentage of evangelical Christians, and colleges and universities where activist-oriented evangelical Christian organizations are located, are more likely to be home to Secular Student Alliances. Through qualitative content analyses of 47 Secular Student Alliance newsletters from 2014-2017, I then show that student leaders indeed frame their groups as a way to counter threats posed by evangelical Christians. The article contributes to social movement theory on the mobilizing effects of threat and represents the most comprehensive study to date of secular student mobilization.



为什么一些美国学院和大学是世俗学生组织的所在地,而另一些则不是?最近的文献表明,当群体意识到他们的权利或社会地位受到挑战时,威胁可以激发动员。在发展宗教威胁的概念时,我考虑了世俗学生联盟(该国最大的由无神论者、不可知论者和其他宗教怀疑论者组成的学生团体协会)是否倾向于位于世俗学生感到受到福音派基督徒威胁的学校。通过对 1953 年 4 年制非盈利美国学院和大学的世俗学生联盟存在的逻辑回归分析,我首先表明,学院和大学位于福音派基督徒比例很高的州和县,以激进主义为导向的福音派基督教组织所在的学院和大学更有可能成为世俗学生联盟的所在地。通过对 2014 年至 2017 年 47 份世俗学生联盟通讯的定性内容分析,我然后表明学生领袖确实将他们的团体视为应对福音派基督徒构成的威胁的一种方式。这篇文章对威胁动员效应的社会运动理论做出了贡献,是迄今为止对世俗学生动员最全面的研究。然后我表明学生领袖确实将他们的团体作为对抗福音派基督徒构成的威胁的一种方式。这篇文章对威胁动员效应的社会运动理论做出了贡献,是迄今为止对世俗学生动员最全面的研究。然后我表明学生领袖确实将他们的团体作为对抗福音派基督徒构成的威胁的一种方式。这篇文章对威胁动员效应的社会运动理论做出了贡献,是迄今为止对世俗学生动员最全面的研究。