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Boreal forest fertilization leads to functional homogenization of ground beetle assemblages
Journal of Applied Ecology ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13877
Antonio Rodríguez 1 , Anne‐Maarit Hekkala 1 , Jörgen Sjögren 1 , Joachim Strengbom 2 , Therese Löfroth 1

  1. Intensive fertilization of young spruce forest plantations (i.e. ‘nutrient optimization’) has the potential to meet increasing demands for carbon sequestration and biomass production from boreal forests. However, its effects on biodiversity, other than the homogenization of ground-layer plant communities, are widely unknown.
  2. We sampled ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in young spruce forest plantations of southern Sweden, within a large-scale, replicated ecological experiment initiated in 2012, where half of the forest stands were fertilized every second year. We assessed multi-scale effects of forest fertilization on ground beetle diversity and community assembly, 4 years after commencement of the experiment.
  3. We found that nutrient optimization had negative effects on ground beetle diversity at multiple spatial scales, despite having negligible effects on species richness. At the local scale, ground beetle species had lower variation in body size at fertilized sites, resulting in within-site functional homogenization. At the landscape scale, fertilized sites, with higher basal area and lower bilberry cover, filtered carabid traits composition to larger body sizes, generalist predators and summer breeding species.
  4. Synthesis and applications. Fertilization of young spruce plantations is a strong filter for ground beetle assemblages, leading to functionally homogeneous communities in the short term, without changes in species richness. The large-scale functional impoverishment of carabid communities because of fertilization may have negative consequences on system resilience and on ecosystem service provision by this functionally diverse group. Large-scale establishment of nutrient optimization threatens ground beetle diversity in young conifer plantations, underlining the risks of introducing more intensive management schemes in already heavily managed forest landscapes.



  1. 对年轻的云杉林人工林进行集约化施肥(即“营养优化”)有可能满足对来自北方森林的碳固存和生物量生产日益增长的需求。然而,除了地面植物群落的同质化之外,它对生物多样性的影响广为人知。
  2. 我们在 2012 年启动的大规模重复生态实验中,在瑞典南部的年轻云杉林人工林中对地面甲虫(鞘翅目:Carabidae)进行了采样,其中一半的林分每两年施肥一次。在实验开始 4 年后,我们评估了森林施肥对地甲虫多样性和群落组装的多尺度影响。
  3. 我们发现,尽管对物种丰富度的影响可以忽略不计,但营养优化对多个空间尺度的地甲虫多样性有负面影响。在局部尺度上,地面甲虫物种在受精部位的体型变化较小,导致部位内功能同质化。在景观尺度上,基面积较高、越橘覆盖率较低的施肥地点、过滤的carabid特征组成较大的体型、多面手捕食者和夏季繁殖物种。
  4. 合成与应用。年轻的云杉种植园的施肥是地面甲虫组合的强大过滤器,可在短期内形成功能同质的群落,而不会改变物种丰富度。由于施肥导致的carabid 社区的大规模功能贫困可能对系统恢复力和这个功能多样化的群体提供的生态系统服务产生负面影响。大规模建立营养优化措施威胁着年轻针叶林种植园的地甲虫多样性,这突显了在已经高度管理的森林景观中引入更集约化管理计划的风险。