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Two new species of Commicarpus (Nyctaginaceae) from the Horn of Africa
Nordic Journal of Botany ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1111/njb.03115
Mats Thulin 1

The new species Commicarpus altus Thulin from central Somalia and C. ogadenensis Thulin from southeastern Ethiopia are described, illustrated and mapped. Both species are shrubs with succulent leaves and white flowers, and they have previously been treated as forms of the widespread and variable C. plumbagineus (Cav.) Standl. Commicarpus altus is found on gypseous or saline ground at elevations of 125–150 m a.s.l., whereas C. ogadenensis seems to be entirely confined to gypsum at 350–550 m a.s.l. Commicarpus altus differs from C. plumbagineus, apart from being a shrub with succulent leaves, by having a glabrous perianth and a joint on the pedicel well below the anthocarp. Commicarpus ogadenensis differs from both C. plumbagineus and C. altus by having five (versus three) stamens.



描述,图示和绘制了来自索马里中部的新物种Commicarpus altus Thulin和来自埃塞俄比亚东南部的o。C. ogadenensis Thulin。这两个物种都是具有多汁的叶子和白色花朵的灌木,并且它们以前被当作是广泛存在的和可变的李氏梭菌C. plumbagineus(Cav。)Standl的形式。Commicarpus altus发现在石膏或盐渍地上,海拔高度为125-150 m,而C. ogadenensis似乎完全局限于石膏,海拔高度为350-550 m。Commicarpus altusC. plumbagineus不同,除了是具有多汁叶子的灌木外,还可以在花椰菜下面的花梗上有无毛的花被和一个关节。Commicarpus ogadenensisC. plumbagineusC. altus都具有五个(相对于三个)雄蕊。