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Priority Monism and Junk
Analytic Philosophy ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.1111/phib.12231
Jamie Taylor 1

Priority Monism—the position that what is fundamental is one object, the Cosmos—has recently been brought to the fore by Jonathan Schaffer, who has put forward a variety of arguments in its favour. However, Priority Monism has been criticised on the grounds that junk—where for some structure to be junky is for every object in it to be a proper part of another object in the structure—is metaphysically possible. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the monist can deal with this problem. I argue they can successfully argue against junk's possibility, but their response leaves a new problem for monism (the problem of the possibility of weak junk). To address this problem, they need to develop a new version of Priority Monism, on which the Cosmos is identical to all its parts taken collectively. I denote this version of monism as Weak Priority Monism. Contra Schaffer, I think a Priority Monist can and should hold to the thesis that Composition is Identity.



优先一元论——基本的立场是一个对象,即宇宙——最近被乔纳森·谢弗(Jonathan Schaffer)提出,他提出了各种支持它的论点。然而,优先一元论一直受到批评,理由是垃圾——对于某些结构来说是垃圾是因为其中的每个对象都是结构中另一个对象的适当部分——在形而上学上是可能的。本文的目的是研究一元论者如何处理这个问题。我认为他们可以成功地反对垃圾的可能性,但他们的反应给一元论留下了一个新问题(弱垃圾可能性的问题)。为了解决这个问题,他们需要开发一个新版本的优先一元论,在这个版本上,Cosmos 是相同的其所有部分集体采取。我将这个版本的一元论称为弱优先一元论。Contra Schaffer,我认为优先一元论者可以而且应该坚持组合身份的论点。