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Intimacy and Revenge: The Psychological Dynamics of Literary Widows
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22
Jeffrey Meyers


This essay examines eleven memoirs written by literary widows and published between 1926 and 2010. They range from adoring to bitter. Their major themes are the conflicts in marriage, the struggle for dominance and submission, the suffering from infidelity and alcoholism, the expression of resentment and anger. They all define themselves in relation to their husbands, yet need to break away, regain their own identity and tell their own story. Some emphasize the writer's personal faults at the expense of his artistic achievement, and their literary efforts were inevitably criticized by reviewers for exploiting the author's name or for failing to recognize his artistic value. The best memoirs—by Frieda Lawrence, Eileen Simpson and Claire Bloom—have style, insight and compassion.




本文研究了文学寡妇撰写的11部回忆录,这些回忆录于1926年至2010年之间出版。他们的主要主题是婚姻中的冲突,对统治和屈服的斗争,不忠和酗酒的苦难,怨恨和愤怒的表达。他们都相对于丈夫定义了自己的名字,但需要脱离婚姻,重新获得自己的身份并讲述自己的故事。有些人以牺牲作者的艺术成就为代价来强调作者的个人过失,而评论家们则不可避免地批评他们的文学创作是利用作者的名字或未能认识到他的艺术价值。最好的回忆录-弗里达·劳伦斯(Frieda Lawrence),艾琳·辛普森(Eileen Simpson)和克莱尔·布鲁姆(Claire Bloom)–具有风格,洞察力和同情心。
