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American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22

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  • Contributors

Ryan Ku earned his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, with an Emphasis in Critical Theory, from the University of California, Irvine, and is the inaugural Postdoctoral Associate in Asian American Studies in the Department of English at Duke University. A theorist of Asian diaspora, Southeast Asian, and multiethnic American literatures after World War II, he intersects ethnic, postcolonial, and sexuality studies by tracing the contradictions of the U.S. as a nation to its traumatic history of imperialism in the Philippines, which has rendered the Filipino structurally queer. His comparative scholarly practice would not be possible without critical theory, including psychoanalysis.

Christine Maksimowicz is currently working on a book that moves between memoir, fiction, and theory to explore class-based injury in her own past and in the larger culture. Past publications include essays on Alice Munro in the Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies, and Elena Ferrante in The Works of Elena Ferrante: Reconfiguring the Margins (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). Christine is a book review editor for Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, and on the editorial board of the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. She has been an American Psychoanalytic Association Fellow and a fellow at the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. Past awards include the CORST Essay Prize in Psychoanalysis & Culture by the American Psychoanalytic Association and the Boston Psychoanalytic Society & Institute's Silberger Award. Christine presently divides her time between facilitating writing groups for clinicians and creative writers, one-on-one work with writers, and training as an analytic candidate at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies.

Jeffrey Meyers has had thirty-three books translated into fourteen languages and seven alphabets and published on six continents. His recent publications include: Remembering Iris [End Page 199] Murdoch in 2013, Thomas Mann's Artist-Heroes in 2014, Robert Lowell in Love and The Mystery of the Real: Correspondence with Alex Colville in 2016. Resurrections: Authors, Heroes—and a Spy was published in 2018.

Jamil Mustafa is a professor in the English Studies Department at Lewis University, where he teaches and writes about the Gothic, Victorian culture, and the horror film. He hosted the 2019 meeting of the International Gothic Association. His most recent publications include work on neo-Gothic vampires, the poetry of Oscar Wilde, the Scottish Gothicism of Sir Walter Scott, neo-Victorian masculinity, and Ray Bradbury's use of the Gothic and the carnivalesque. His chapters have appeared in Neo-Gothic Narratives (Anthem, 2020), Gothic Britain (University of Wales Press, 2018), Wilde's Other Worlds (Routledge, 2018), and The Gothic Tradition in Supernatural (McFarland, 2016). His articles have appeared in Humanities (2020), The New Ray Bradbury Review (2019), Neo-Victorian Studies (2018), Cabinet de Fées (2007), and Studies in the Humanities (2005). Forthcoming are chapters in The Queer Gothic (Edinburgh University Press), Middle Eastern Gothics (University of Wales Press), and a monograph on the horror film.

Leonardo Niro is a lecturer at the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex, where he directs the MA in Psychoanalytic Studies and leads the Research Group in History of Psychoanalysis.

Diane O'Donoghue is the Director of the Program for Public Humanities and on the faculty of Tufts University and its Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life. She is Visiting Professor of Public Humanities at Brown University and chairs the Division of Interdisciplinary Psychoanalysis at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, where she is a scholar member. Aspects of her research focus on the role of visual cultures, including those informed by archaeology, on early psychoanalytic constructions. Her work on this area has received the Loewenberg (formerly CORST), Deutsch, and Silberger Prizes, and her book, On Dangerous Ground: Freud's Visual Cultures of the Unconscious (Bloomsbury, 2019) was the recipient of the Robert S. Liebert Award. [End Page 200]

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere is Emeritus Professor of Russian at the University of California, Davis, and currently lives in El Cerrito, California. In addition to over eighty articles and book chapters, he has authored thirteen books, including: The Slave Soul of Russia (1995; Moscow Russian edition Рабская душа Poccuu, 1996); Tolstoy's Quest for God (2007); The Sign of the Cross: From Golgotha to Genocide (2011); and Imagining Mary...




  • 贡献者

Ryan Ku拥有博士学位。是美国加州大学欧文分校的比较文学专业的博士,重点是批判性理论,是杜克大学英语系亚裔美国人研究的首位博士后。作为第二次世界大战后亚洲侨民,东南亚人和多种族美国文学的理论家,他通过追溯美国作为一个国家的矛盾与菲律宾在帝国主义遭受创伤的历史相交,与种族,后殖民和性研究相交。菲律宾人在结构上很奇怪。没有包括心理分析在内的批判理论,他的比较学术实践是不可能的。

克里斯汀·马克西莫维奇Christine Maksimowicz)目前正在撰写一本在回忆录,小说和理论之间移动的书,以探讨她自己过去和更广泛文化中基于班级的伤害。过去的出版物包括《文学与创伤研究杂志》中有关爱丽丝·蒙罗的论文以及《埃琳娜·费兰特作品:重新配置边缘》中的埃琳娜·费兰特(Palgrave Macmillan,2016)。克里斯汀(Christine)是《精神分析,文化与社会》的书评编辑,也是《国际应用精神分析研究杂志》的编辑委员会成员。她曾是美国精神分析协会的会员和麻省精神分析研究所的研究员。过去的奖项包括美国精神分析协会和波士顿精神分析学会及学院的Silberger奖授予了精神分析与文化CORST论文。克里斯汀目前将自己的时间分为两个阶段:为临床医生和富有创造力的作家提供便利的写作小组,与作家进行一对一的工作,以及在美国国家心理治疗研究所接受分析候选人的培训。

杰弗里·迈耶斯(Jeffrey Meyers)已将33本书翻译成十四种语言和七个字母,并在六大洲出版。他最近的出版物包括:缅怀光圈 [尾页199] 默多克在2013年,托马斯·曼的艺术家英雄在2014年,罗伯特·洛厄尔在爱真实的奥秘:通信与亚历克斯·科尔维尔在2016年复活:作者,英雄和一个间谍于2018年发布。

贾米尔·穆斯塔法Jamil Mustafa)是刘易斯大学(Lewis University)英语研究系的教授,他在那里教授和写作哥特式,维多利亚时代的文化和恐怖电影。他主持了国际哥特式协会2019年会议。他最近的出版物包括有关新哥特式吸血鬼的作品,奥斯卡·王尔德的诗歌,沃尔特·斯科特爵士的苏格兰哥特主义,新维多利亚时代的男子气概以及雷·布拉德伯里对哥特式和狂欢节风格的使用。他的章节出现在新哥特式叙事(Anthem,2020),哥特式英国(威尔士大学出版社,2018),王尔德的其他世界(Routledge,2018)和超自然的哥特式传统(McFarland,2016)中。他的文章出现在人文科学(2020),新雷·布拉德伯里评论(2019),新维多利亚研究(2018),内阁·费斯(2007)和人文研究(2005)。即将出版的影片有《同性恋哥特》(爱丁堡大学出版社),《中东哥特式》(威尔士大学出版社)以及有关恐怖片的专着。

莱昂纳多·尼罗Leonardo Niro)是埃塞克斯大学心理社会与精神分析研究系的讲师,他在该校指导精神分析研究的硕士学位,并领导精神分析历史研究小组。

黛安·奥多诺休Diane O'Donoghue)是塔夫茨大学及其公民生活学院乔纳森·蒂什(Jonathan M. Tisch)公民社会课程的负责人。她是布朗大学公共人文科学的客座教授,并在波士顿精神分析学会和研究所担任跨学科精神分析部门的主席,并在那里担任学者。她的研究方向集中在视觉文化的作用上,包括考古学提供的信息对早期精神分析结构的作用。她在这一领域的工作获得了Loewenberg(以前的CORST),Deutsch和Silberger奖,她的著作《危险的地带:弗洛伊德的无意识视觉文化》(布卢姆斯伯里,2019年)获得了Robert S.Liebert奖。[完第200页]

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere是加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的名誉俄语教授,目前居住在加利福尼亚的El Cerrito。除了八十多篇文章和书籍章节外,他还撰写了十三本书,包括:《俄罗斯的奴隶之魂》(1995年;莫斯科俄语版РабскаядушаPoccuu,1996年);以及《俄罗斯的奴隶制》托尔斯泰对上帝的追求(2007); 十字架的征兆:《从戈尔哥萨到种族灭绝》(2011年);和幻摄影玛丽...
