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Universal rules of life: metabolic rates, biological times and the equal fitness paradigm
Ecology Letters ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.13715
Joseph Robert Burger 1, 2 , Chen Hou 3 , Charles A. S. Hall 4 , James H. Brown 5

Here we review and extend the equal fitness paradigm (EFP) as an important step in developing and testing a synthetic theory of ecology and evolution based on energy and metabolism. The EFP states that all organisms are equally fit at steady state, because they allocate the same quantity of energy, ~ 22.4 kJ/g/generation to the production of offspring. On the one hand, the EFP may seem tautological, because equal fitness is necessary for the origin and persistence of biodiversity. On the other hand, the EFP reflects universal laws of life: how biological metabolism – the uptake, transformation and allocation of energy – links ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes across levels of organisation from: (1) structure and function of individual organisms, (2) life history and dynamics of populations, and (3) interactions and coevolution of species in ecosystems. The physics and biology of metabolism have facilitated the evolution of millions of species with idiosyncratic anatomy, physiology, behaviour and ecology but also with many shared traits and tradeoffs that reflect the single origin and universal rules of life.



在这里,我们回顾并扩展了平等适合度范式(EFP),这是在开发和测试基于能量和代谢的生态学和进化的综合理论中的重要步骤。EFP指出,所有生物都处于稳定状态,因为它们为后代的生产分配了相同量的能量,约22.4 kJ / g /代。一方面,EFP似乎是重言式的,因为平等的适应性对于生物多样性的起源和持久性是必要的。另一方面,EFP反映了生命的普遍定律:生物代谢-能量的吸收,转化和分配-如何在组织的各个层面之间联系生态和进化模式及过程,包括:(1)个体生物的结构和功能,( 2)人口的生活史和动态,(3)生态系统中物种的相互作用和共同进化。新陈代谢的物理学和生物学促进了数以百万计的物种的进化,这些物种具有特殊的解剖学,生理学,行为和生态学,但也具有许多共同的特征和取舍,它们反映了生命的单一起源和普遍规则。