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Windshields and rearview mirrors
Journal of Food Science Education Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1111/1541-4329.12221
Shelly J. Schmidt 1

You have probably heard the news by now that after nearly 20 years of service, the Journal of Food Science Education will be retired, with the final issue to be published in October 2021. In a nutshell, the end of JFSE is collateral damage due to the economic impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the Institute of Food Technologists. As articulated by Rich Hartel in his recent editorial (Journal of Food Science, 86(3), 639) on the topic, “Despite its clear value to the education community, IFT leadership has decided that JFSE as a stand‐alone journal will no longer be published after 2021. This decision was taken, for the most part, due to the financial concerns during this pandemic, that the resources dedicated to managing it are needed elsewhere.”11 For details, read IFT President Noel Anderson's recent blog post on ift.org, “The Impact of COVID on IFT.” How I wish there was a way to keep JFSE going and growing in its present form! But after discussing a variety of possible ideas of “how to save JFSE” with Rich Hartel and a number of others, it seems that the time has come to look for a new way forward.

The idea of looking forward reminds me of the Habitude22 Habitudes (2021), created by Tim Elmore of Growing Leaders, combines images, relatable stories, and experiences into leadership development curriculum and lesson plans that resonate with today's young adults, equipping them to navigate through life's challenges and opportunities. by Tim Elmore (2013) entitled “Windshields and Rearview Mirrors.” The message underlying this driving analogy habitude is that looking at what lies in front of us (through the windshield) is more important for our future than starring at what is behind us (in the rearview mirror). Now, I think we can all agree that a rearview mirror does have its purposes, but if we spend too much time looking at what is behind us, we will miss what is going on ahead of us. So, in the spirit of “Windshields and Rearview Mirrors,” let's take a quick glance back and a gaze forward.



您可能已经听说过这样的消息:服务近20年后,《食品科学教育杂志》将退休,最终一期将在2021年10月出版。简而言之,JFSE的终止是由于以下原因造成的附带损害: COVID-19大流行对食品技术人员研究所的经济影响。正如里奇·哈特尔(Rich Hartel)在他最近的社论(食品科学杂志,86(3),639)中所说的那样: “尽管它对教育界具有明显的价值,但IFT领导层决定JFSE 作为独立期刊,它将在2021年以后不再发行。之所以做出这一决定,主要是因为在这一大流行期间财务方面的担忧,其他地方都需要专门用于管理它的资源。” 11有关详细信息,请阅读IFT主席Noel Anderson最近在ift.org上发表的博客文章“ COVID对IFT的影响”。我多么希望有一种方法可以使JFSE保持目前的形式并不断发展!但是,在与Rich Hartel和其他一些人讨论了“如何保存JFSE ”的各种可能的想法之后,似乎是时候寻找一种新的前进方向了。

期待的想法让我想起了Habitude22 Habitudes(2021)由成长中的领导者蒂姆·埃莫尔(Tim Elmore)创建,它将图像,相关的故事和经验结合到领导力发展课程和教学计划中,与当今的年轻人产生共鸣,使他们能够应对生活中的挑战和机遇。由Tim Elmore(2013)题为“挡风玻璃和后视镜”。这种驾驶类比习惯背后的信息是(通过挡风玻璃)观察我们面前的事物对我们的未来而言比盯着我们背后的事物(在后视镜中)更为重要。现在,我想我们都可以同意后视镜确实有其用途,但是如果我们花太多时间看我们背后的事物,我们将会错过我们面前的事物。因此,本着“挡风玻璃和后视镜”的精神,让我们快速回顾一下并向前看。
