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Sixteen analysands' and large groups' reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1696
Vamık Volkan 1

The first part of this paper describes 16 analysands' reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic, from early March 2020 until mid-January 2021 when this paper was written, when different vaccines for the virus have become available and when the new COVID-19 variant showed its face. The data come from the author's supervision via telephone of 10 younger psychoanalysts who were treating one or two of these cases. Most of the analysts and their analysands are located in Istanbul, Turkey, others in the United States and one analyst and her patient in Germany. The second part of this paper describes how the initial response to the virus pandemic has increased some of the 16 analysands' investments in their large-group identities. The pandemic's impact on “border psychology” is also described. Lastly, this paper poses suggestions about the psychoanalyst's role in making helpful suggestions in dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on large groups.


十六名分析者和大团体对 COVID-19 大流行的反应

本文的第一部分描述了 16 位分析者对 COVID-19 大流行的反应,从 2020 年 3 月上旬到 2021 年 1 月中旬撰写本文、针对该病毒的不同疫苗问世以及新的 COVID-19 变体何时出现露出了它的脸。数据来自作者通过电话对 10 名正在治疗其中一两个案例的年轻精神分析师的监督。大多数分析师及其被分析者位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔,其他人位于美国,一名分析师和她的患者位于德国。本文的第二部分描述了对病毒大流行的初步反应如何增加了 16 位分析者对其大型群体身份的投资。还描述了大流行对“边境心理”的影响。最后,