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Acting “Straight”: Socio-Behavioral Consequences of Anti-Queer Hate Crime Victimization
Justice Quarterly ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2021.1906931
Besiki Luka Kutateladze 1


Research on the consequences of hate crime victimization primarily focuses on adverse health and economic effects with limited attention devoted to the socio-behavioral impact of crime. Informed by Intersectionality Theory (Crenshaw, 1989 Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 139. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/uchclf1989&div=10&id=&page= [Google Scholar]) and relying on 400 in-person structured interviews with LGBTQ Latine immigrant victims of crime in Miami, this research finds that 23% of victims had to change housing, 13% began avoiding queer venues/friends, and 35% started acting stereotypically “straight” because of the crime. New immigrant victims were more likely to experience forced relocation due to crime. Victims were more likely to adopt heteronormative behavior/appearance as a result of victimization if they were non-Cuban-American, had higher income, and were more closeted. Findings suggest that coming out can be an important crime control strategy. The paper concludes with a discussion about the benefits and limitations of adopting the intersectionality perspective in quantitative research, and three-stage venue-based sampling used to recruit participants.




对仇恨犯罪受害后果的研究主要集中在不利的健康和经济影响上,对犯罪的社会行为影响的关注有限。以交叉性理论为依据 (Crenshaw, 1989 克伦肖,K.1989 年)。将种族与性别的交叉边缘化:黑人女权主义者对反歧视学说、女权主义理论和反种族主义政治的批判芝加哥大学法律论坛139。https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/uchclf1989&div=10&id=&page= [谷歌学术]) 并依靠对迈阿密 LGBTQ 拉丁裔移民犯罪受害者的 400 次面对面结构化访谈,该研究发现 23% 的受害者不得不更换住房,13% 的受害者开始避开酷儿场所/朋友,35% 的受害者开始表现出刻板的“直” 因为犯罪。新移民受害者更有可能因犯罪而被迫搬迁。如果受害者不是古巴裔美国人、收入较高并且更隐秘,他们更有可能因受害而采取异性恋行为/外表。调查结果表明,出柜可能是一项重要的犯罪控制策略。本文最后讨论了在定量研究中采用交叉性视角的好处和局限性,以及用于招募参与者的基于场地的三阶段抽样。
