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Twelve Insights into the Afghanistan War through the Photographs from the Basetrack Project: Rita Leistner’s iProbes and Marshall McLuhan’s Theory of Media
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.3390/arts10020027
Kalina Kukielko-Rogozinska

This article presents the iProbe concept developed by the Canadian photographer Rita Leistner. This analytical tool is one of the ways to present the image of modern warfare that emerges from messages in social media and photographs taken using smartphones. Utilized to understand the approach are photographs Leistner took at the American military base in Musa Qala (Helmand province, Afghanistan) during the implementation of the “Basetrack” media project in 2011. The theoretical basis for this study is Marshall McLuhan’s media theory, which was used by the photographer to interpret her works from Afghanistan. Leistner is the first to apply the various concepts shaped by McLuhan in the second half of 20th century, such as “probe”, “extension of man”, and the “figure/ground” dichotomy, to analyze war photography. Her blog and book entitled Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afghanistan shows the potential of using McLuhan’s concepts to interpret the image of modern warfare presented in the contemporary media. The application of McLuhan’s theory to this type of photographic analysis provides the opportunity to focus on the technological dimension of modern war and to look at warfare from a technical perspective such as what devices and communication solutions are used to solve armed conflicts as efficiently and bloodlessly as possible. Therefore, this article briefly presents twelve iProbes that Leistner created based on her experiences from working in Afghanistan concerning photography, military equipment, interpersonal relations, and various types of communication.


通过Basetrack项目的照片了解阿富汗战争的十二个见解:Rita Leistner的iProbes和Marshall McLuhan的媒体理论

本文介绍了加拿大摄影师Rita Leistner开发的iProbe概念。这种分析工具是呈现现代战争图像的方法之一,这些图像来自社交媒体中的消息以及使用智能手机拍摄的照片。Leistner于2011年在实施“ Basetrack”媒体项目期间在穆萨加拉(阿富汗赫尔曼德省)的美国军事基地拍摄了一些照片,以了解这种方法。这项研究的理论基础是Marshall McLuhan的媒体理论,由摄影师用来解释来自阿富汗的作品。Leistner率先应用了麦克卢汉在20世纪下半叶提出的各种概念,例如“探针”,“人的延伸”和“图/地面”二分法,来分析战争摄影。她的博客和书名为在阿富汗寻找马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)展示了利用麦克卢汉的概念来诠释当代媒体所呈现的现代战争形象的潜力。麦克卢汉理论在这类摄影分析中的应用提供了一个机会,可以集中精力研究现代战争的技术层面,并从技术角度看待战争,例如使用何种设备和通信解决方案来有效,无血地解决武装冲突。可能的。因此,本文简要介绍了Leistner基于在阿富汗工作中有关摄影,军事装备,人际关系和各种通讯方式的经验而创建的十二种iProbes。