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Late Paleozoic (Late Mississippian–Middle Permian) sediment provenance and dispersal in western equatorial Pangea
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110386
Timothy F. Lawton , Ronald C. Blakey , Daniel F. Stockli , Li Liu

Late Mississippian to middle Permian sediment-dispersal networks of regional to continental scale in western equatorial Pangea, depicted here in a series of paleogeographic maps, developed in response to temporally and spatially changing influences of climate, eustasy, and a continent-wide late Paleozoic orogenic system. The orogenic system included linked Alleghanian, Ouachita-Marathon-Sonora collisional belts and associated foreland basin systems on Laurentia and magmatic arcs on Gondwana, intracratonic basement uplifts and basins of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains, flexural arches and intracratonic basins of the US midcontinent region, and basins and uplifts of the southwestern Laurentian transcurrent continental margin. Consideration of new and published U-Pb detrital-zircon datasets permits delineation of Laurentian sediment-dispersal networks of the developing supercontinent. The Transcontinental Arch deflected Late Mississippian transcontinental rivers with Alleghanian headwaters toward the southern midcontinent and nascent, deep-marine foreland basins along the Ouachita collision orogen. Pennsylvanian rivers likewise headed in the Alleghanian Orogen, transporting sediment southwest across the midcontinent and along the Alleghanian foreland basin to empty into the Arkoma Basin and Fort Worth Basin, which also received voluminous sediment from Gondwana and the Ouachita Orogen. Concomitantly, major growth of Ancestral Rocky Mountains uplifts yielded basement-derived sediment, much of which was retained in local flexural basins. Increased aridity drove ascendant eolian transport in early Permian (Artinskian) time, just as lowstand desiccation of a midcontinent seaway exposed unconsolidated silt and sand derived from eastern, western, and southern sources in an extensive interior desert sink. Eolian transport within the interior desert further mixed and deflated the already-cosmopolitan sediment, pushing it southwest toward the Permian Basin and westward beyond the Ancestral Rocky Mountains. Intercepted by newly developed monsoonal circulation, the deflated sediment came to reside in erg systems along the western marine margin of Pangea. Subtropical Pennsylvanian transcontinental fluvial networks were similar to those of modern big river systems of the eastern and midcontinent United States that drain toward the Gulf of Mexico. In contrast, Permian drainage networks yielding sediment to a continental desert more resembled Pleistocene sediment routes of the Arabian Plate; there, intermittent wadis draining western rift highlands and big rivers of the Mesopotamian foreland contribute sediment to Arabian eolian sands via zonal and monsoonal surface winds to create widespread sand seas of mixed Eurasian and Arabian provenance.



赤道西部Pangea区域至大陆规模的密西西比晚期到二叠纪中晚期沉积物-扩散网络,在此绘制为一系列古地理图,是响应于气候,Eustasy和整个大陆范围晚古生代造山运动在时间和空间上变化的影响而发展的系统。造山系统包括链接的Alleghanian,Ouachita-Marathon-Sonora碰撞带以及Laurentia上的前陆盆地系统和Gondwana上的岩浆弧,祖母落基山脉的克拉通基底隆起和盆地,美国中大陆地区的挠曲拱和克拉通盆地以及西南劳伦山脉横贯大陆边缘的盆地和隆升。考虑新的和已发布的U​​-Pb碎屑锆石数据集,可以描绘出正在发展的超大陆的Laurentian沉积物-扩散网络。横贯大陆的拱门将密西西比河晚期的横贯大陆的河与Alleghanian上游水流一起引向南部中陆大陆和沿Ouachita碰撞造山带新生的深海前陆盆地。宾夕法尼亚州的河流同样沿Alleghanian造山带前进,将泥沙向西南穿过中部大陆,沿着Alleghanian前陆盆地排空,进入Arkoma盆地和Fort Worth盆地,后者也接收了来自Gondwana和Ouachita造山带的大量沉积物。随之而来的是,祖先洛矶山脉隆起的主要生长产生了基底衍生的沉积物,其中大部分保留在局部挠曲盆地中。干旱的加剧驱使二叠纪(Artinskian)早期的风成岩运移,就像中陆海道的低水位干燥暴露了来自东部,西部和南部来源的未固结淤泥和沙子一样,分布在广阔的内部沙漠水库中。内部沙漠中的风尘运移进一步混合并缩小了已经国际化的沉积物,将其向西南推向二叠纪盆地,向西超出祖先洛矶山脉。受到新发展的季风环流的拦截,放气的沉积物开始留在Pangea西部海洋边缘的erg系统中。宾夕法尼亚州的亚热带跨大陆河流网络类似于美国东部和中部大陆向墨西哥湾排放的现代大河流系统。相比之下,二叠纪的排水网络将沉积物排放到大陆沙漠,更像阿拉伯板块的更新世沉积物路线;在那儿,间歇性的河水排泄西部裂谷高地和美索不达米亚前陆的大河,通过纬向和季风表面风将沉积物带入阿拉伯风沙,从而形成了混合了欧亚和阿拉伯起源的广泛沙海。
