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Inclusion moments for students with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in mainstream schools: The teacher assistant’s role in supporting peer interactions
European Journal of Special Needs Education ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2021.1901374
Ineke Haakma 1 , Anke A. De Boer 1 , Sanne Van Esch 2 , Alexander E. M. G. Minnaert 1 , Annette A. J Van Der Putten 1


In the Netherlands, the trend towards inclusion has led to the development of a ‘To School Together’ programme in which students with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) receive tailored care and education during the school day in a special classroom (‘To School Together’ class) within a mainstream school. Besides shared activities with other students with disabilities in the ‘To School Together’ classroom, inclusion moments are organised in which students with PIMD engage in activities with typically developing peers. A teaching assistant (TA) is present to support the student with PIMD. In this study, we explored the type of activities offered during these inclusion moments, the interaction between students with PIMD and their peers, and the role of TAs. Video recordings were made of three inclusion moments for eight students with PIMD. We coded the contact initiations of students with PIMD, their peers and TAs, and the responses to these initiations. The results show a total of 246 contact initiations by peers where students with PIMD responded positively 82 times, TAs attempted to facilitate interactions 55 times and students with PIMD responded positively 11 times. Based on our findings, we make several recommendations that can guide inclusive practices for students with PIMD.




在荷兰,融合的趋势导致了“一起上学”计划的发展,该计划使具有深智和多重残疾(PIMD)的学生在上学期间在特殊教室里接受量身定制的护理和教育(“上学”一起在主流学校中上课)。除了在“ To School Together”教室中与其他残疾学生共享活动之外,还组织有融合的时机,让PIMD的学生与发展中的同龄人一起开展活动。有助教(TA)为学生提供PIMD支持。在这项研究中,我们探讨了在这些融合时刻提供的活动类型,PIMD学生与同伴之间的互动以及TA的作用。为八名PIMD学生录制了三个收录时刻的视频。我们对与PIMD,他们的同伴和TA的学生的联系发起,以及对这些发起的回应进行了编码。结果显示,同龄人共发起了246次联系,其中PIMD学生做出了82次正面回应,TA尝试促进互动的次数为55次,PIMD学生做出了11次正面回应。根据我们的发现,我们提出了一些建议,可以指导PIMD学生的包容性实践。TA尝试促进互动55次,而PIMD的学生则积极回应11次。根据我们的发现,我们提出了一些建议,可以指导PIMD学生的包容性实践。TA尝试促进互动55次,而PIMD的学生则积极回应11次。根据我们的发现,我们提出了一些建议,可以指导PIMD学生的包容性实践。
