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Genetic characteristics of a small breeding population of ancient murrelets from Teuri Island, Japan, based on mitochondrial DNA sequences and newly-developed microsatellite markers
Ecological Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12226
Norimasa Sugita 1 , Shin Matsui 2 , Natsuhiko Yoshikawa 3 , Isao Nishiumi 4

A small population of ancient murrelets (Synthliboramphus antiquus) nests and breeds on vertical sea cliffs in Teuri Island, Japan. Although this small population is at high risk of extinction, practical conservation plans were not established owing to the lack of basic data, for example, ecological and genetic information. Here, mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite analyses were performed on ancient murrelets collected in the Teuri and Aleutian breeding populations, as well as on wintering individuals in Japan and museum specimens. Mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that the Teuri population shared haplotypes with the Aleutian population, but not with the British Columbian and the Kamchatka populations from a previous study. Microsatellite analysis revealed high gene flow between the Teuri and Aleutian breeding populations. There was no evidence of loss of genetic diversity in the Teuri population. Museum specimens possessed some unique alleles not found in the more recent samples. Our results suggest that strategies for the conservation of Teuri and Aleutian populations should be managed separately from those designed for breeding populations in the eastern Pacific region, at the very least. For conservation of the Teuri population, we do not recommend captive breeding because of gene flow between Teuri and Aleutian populations, but protection of nesting habitats and monitoring of demographic indexes would be more effective for maintaining their genetic diversity and population size.



一小群古老的海鸥(Synthliboramphus antiquus) 在日本天卖岛的垂直海崖上筑巢繁殖。虽然这个小种群面临灭绝的高风险,但由于缺乏基本数据,例如生态和遗传信息,没有制定切实可行的保护计划。在这里,对在 Teuri 和阿留申繁殖种群中收集的古代海鱼以及日本的越冬个体和博物馆标本进行了线粒体 DNA 和微卫星分析。线粒体 DNA 分析显示 Teuri 种群与阿留申种群共享单倍型,但不与先前研究中的不列颠哥伦比亚人和堪察加种群共享单倍型。微卫星分析揭示了 Teuri 和阿留申育种种群之间的高基因流。没有证据表明 Teuri 种群的遗传多样性丧失。博物馆标本具有一些在最近的样本中没有发现的独特等位基因。我们的结果表明,至少应将保护 Teuri 和阿留申种群的策略与为东太平洋地区繁殖种群设计的策略分开管理。为了保护 Teuri 种群,我们不建议圈养繁殖,因为 Teuri 和阿留申种群之间的基因流动,但保护筑巢栖息地和监测人口指标将更有效地保持其遗传多样性和种群规模。我们的结果表明,至少应将保护 Teuri 和阿留申种群的策略与为东太平洋地区繁殖种群设计的策略分开管理。为了保护 Teuri 种群,我们不建议圈养繁殖,因为 Teuri 和阿留申种群之间的基因流动,但保护筑巢栖息地和监测人口指标将更有效地保持其遗传多样性和种群规模。我们的结果表明,至少应将保护 Teuri 和阿留申种群的策略与为东太平洋地区繁殖种群设计的策略分开管理。为了保护 Teuri 种群,我们不建议圈养繁殖,因为 Teuri 和阿留申种群之间的基因流动,但保护筑巢栖息地和监测人口指标将更有效地保持其遗传多样性和种群规模。