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Imagine Other Worlds
Communication, Culture & Critique ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1093/ccc/tcab011
Kristin Fitzsimmons 1

When I log onto Zoom for a meeting with other graduate students and someone asks, “how are you?” I reply, “I’m glad it’s Friday,” to which the person responds, “but how are you distinguishing time?” It’s not an outlandish question these days. We can’t populate offices or cafes per COVID-19 protocols, and the line between work, school, and leisure has blurred. I wake up when my two-year-old toddler does. If I’m feeling particularly professional, I’ll put on a bra and maybe pants with a zipper. The day passes in units, much like many of us organize our syllabi. Instead of thematic or theoretical divisions, my units are built around sleeping, eating, and attempts at physical recreation. Each day is the same, but emotionally, each day is different. I can blame the toddler for part, but not all, of this feeling. One thing that brings me joy is that each week, I log onto Zoom and get to be another person. Her name is Genesis Blackthorne, and she’s way cooler than I am. This transformation is made possible by the fantasy role playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). At a time when I have felt heightened anxiety, D&D has become a space of needed reflection and play.



当我登录 Zoom 与其他研究生开会时,有人问:“你好吗?” 我回答说:“我很高兴今天是星期五,”对方回答说,“但是你是如何区分时间的?” 这些天来,这不是一个古怪的问题。我们无法按照COVID-19协议来填充办公室或咖啡馆,而且工作,学校和休闲之间的界限已经模糊。当我两岁的孩子醒来时,我会醒来。如果我觉得自己特别专业,我会穿上胸罩,也许还会穿带拉链的裤子。一天以单位为单位过去,就像我们中的许多人组织我们的教学大纲一样。我的单位不是按主题或理论划分,而是围绕睡眠、饮食和身体娱乐的尝试而建立的。每一天都是一样的,但在情感上,每一天都是不同的。我可以将这种感觉归咎于蹒跚学步的孩子,但不是全部。令我高兴的一件事是,每周,我都会登录 Zoom 并成为另一个人。她的名字是 Genesis Blackthorne,她比我酷多了。奇幻角色扮演游戏使这种转变成为可能龙与地下城 (D&D)。在我感到高度焦虑的时候,D&D已成为需要反思和玩耍的空间。