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Active Learning in Higher Education ( IF 3.795 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1177/14697874211010866
Lynne Baldwin 1

As is the case in all sectors, theories and practices in higher education evolve over time and, we hope, the changes that we make or which happen (some we can control and some we cannot) are those which are for the better. Those changes might be big and far reaching or perhaps very small and local, but all of us teaching or supporting learners in some way or by carrying out research within universities do that in order to improve not only our own knowledge of the subject matter within the discipline of education per se but to use what we know in helping our learners to thrive and grow, as learners. This is not only during their very short time with us within universities (only 1 year, in the case of postgraduate study in certain countries, for example) but in order to best help them to prepare for whatever challenges they will face afterwards, whether in the work environment or elsewhere. Whether this is termed ‘lifelong learning’ or anything else, this has been at the heart of higher education since the time when universities first came into being very many centuries ago; this has not changed, despite claims by some that the mission and/or purpose of universities has changed over recent years. Regardless of discipline or context, the university, as a university, remains what it has always been, that is, one of perhaps many means by which knowledge is advanced, either by way of research or teaching or both and by making its contribution to society, either locally or more widely or both. Whilst organisations and the practices within it change, and this is the case whether it is a university or any other organisation, certain elements of it remain fixed, unchanged, as elements. A core element of the university experience for both our students and for ourselves as educators and those in our support services more widely in the university is assessment. The argument often heard is that whilst assessment is important, it has, over recent years, become too much of a driving force, that is, it has too high a priority and focus, for various reasons. Those reasons include, for example, the cost of that education to students themselves and to the government which to a greater or lesser extent might fund it but also the shift towards a need for graduates and those working in the sector to make more of a contribution in terms of the economic growth and success of the country itself. Whatever the reasons, and they are complex, assessment plays an enormous part. This is not just assessment itself but also the ‘checks and balances’ that, these days, form an important part of the quality and standards which are expected. And, rightly so.


