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Waterlogging tolerance of the common reeds Phragmites mauritianus and P. australis
African Journal of Ecology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1111/aje.12884
Gonasageran Naidoo 1

This study compared the responses of Phragmites mauritianus and Paustralis to waterlogging stress for 5 months. Plants were subjected to a 2 × 4 factorial experiment with two species and four soil moisture regimes: well drained (WD), half flooded (½F), flooded/drained at weekly intervals (F/D) and continuously flooded (F). Soil redox potential (Eh) was high in the WD (+138 to +126 mV) and low in the F treatments (−360 to −401 mV). Flooding increased plant height, number of culms, shoot elongation and total dry biomass accumulation in both species. In the flooded treatments, there was greater biomass allocation to above ground than below ground components, which contributed to increases in above-ground/below-ground ratios. In the flooded treatments, specific gravity of culms decreased by 18% in Paustralis and by 10% in Pmauritianus indicating greater aerenchyma with waterlogging. In both reeds, flooding induced numerous adventitious roots from the base of the culms. In the F treatments, plant height, number of culms, total dry biomass accumulation and aerenchyma development were greater in Paustralis than in Pmauritianus. These data suggest that P. australis has a competitive edge over Pmauritianus under waterlogged conditions.


芦苇 Phragmites mauritianus 和 P. australis 的耐涝性

本研究比较了Phragmites mauritianusP的反应。 澳大利亚去涝胁迫5个月。对植物进行 2 × 4 因子实验,其中有两个物种和四种土壤湿度状态:排水良好 (WD)、半淹 (½F)、每周一次淹水/排水 (F/D) 和连续淹水 (F)。土壤氧化还原电位(E h) 在 WD (+138 到 +126 mV) 中高,在 F 处理中低 (-360 到 -401 mV)。洪水增加了两个物种的植物高度、秆数、枝条伸长和总干生物量积累。在淹水处理中,地上部分的生物量分配大于地下部分,这导致地上/地下比率增加。在淹水处理中,秆的比重在P中降低了 18% 。 australis和 10% 在P中。 毛里求斯表明有水渍的通气组织较大。在这两种芦苇中,洪水从秆基部引发了许多不定根。在 F 处理中, P的株高、秆数、总干生物量积累和通气组织发育均较高。 australis比在P中。 毛里求斯_ 这些数据表明P. australis 比P. australis具有竞争优势。 毛里求斯在淹水条件下。