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Symmetric and asymmetric cyclic controlled quantum teleportation via nine-qubit entangled state
Modern Physics Letters B ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217984921502493
Vikram Verma 1

In this paper, by utilizing a nine-qubit entangled state as a quantum channel, we propose new schemes for symmetric and asymmetric cyclic controlled quantum teleportation (CYCQT). In our proposed schemes, four participants Alice, Bob, Charlie and David teleport their unknown quantum states cyclically among themselves with the help of a controller Eve. No participants can reconstruct the original states sent from the respective senders without the permission of the controller. Also, by considering same nine-qubit entangled state as a quantum channel, we propose a generalized scheme for CYCQT of multi-qubit states. In contrast to the previous CYCQT schemes involving three communicators and a controller, there are four communicators and a controller in the proposed schemes. Also, compared with previous CYCQT schemes, our proposed CYCQT schemes require less consumption of quantum resource and the intrinsic efficiency of the generalized scheme increases with the increase of number of qubits in the information states.



在本文中,通过利用九个量子比特纠缠态作为量子通道,我们提出了对称和非对称循环控制量子隐形传态(CYCQT)的新方案。在我们提出的方案中,四名参与者 Alice、Bob、Charlie 和 David 在控制器 Eve 的帮助下循环传送他们未知的量子态。未经控制器许可,任何参与者都不能重建各自发送者发送的原始状态。此外,通过将相同的九量子位纠缠态视为量子通道,我们提出了多量子位态 CYCQT 的通用方案。与之前涉及三个通信器和一个控制器的 CYCQT 方案相比,在所提出的方案中有四个通信器和一个控制器。此外,与之前的 CYCQT 方案相比,