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Regional chronostratigraphy in the eastern Lesser Antilles quaternary fore-arc and accretionary wedge sediments: Relative paleointensity, oxygen isotopes and reversals
Quaternary Geochronology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101179
A. Bieber , G. St-Onge , N. Feuillet , J. Carlut , E. Moreno , E. Michel

Paleomagnetism is a powerful tool for establishing an almost continuous chronostratigraphy for an entire region. When combined with other dating methods, absolute or relative, it can be used to develop a regional reference chronostratigraphic framework. During the summer of 2016, several piston cores were collected along the Atlantic side of the Lesser Antilles onboard the R/V Pourquoi pas? as part of the CASEIS Expedition. Core CAS16-24PC was devoted to chronostratigraphic analysis and allowed development of a quasi-continuous Quaternary record. In this study, after identifying and removing rapidly deposited layers such as turbidites and tephra layers, we reconstructed the relative paleointensity (RPI) variations by normalizing the natural remanent magnetization with the laboratory induced anhysteretic remanent magnetization. An age model was developed by comparing our RPI record with the PISO-1500 stack and paleomagnetic axial dipole moment model for the past 2 Myr (PADM-2M) and the planktic oxygen isotopic record (δ18O) for core CAS16-24PC with the LR04 benthic stack. By combining the δ18O stratigraphy with paleomagnetic analyses, we established an age model covering the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and Jaramillo Subchron back to ~1.15 Ma with a mean sedimentation rate of 1.7 cm/kyr. This age model complements the paleomagnetic data from IODP campaigns and volcanic records, and offers almost complete inclination, declination and RPI records as a local reference.



古磁性是为整个地区建立近乎连续的年代地层的有力工具。当与绝对或相对的其他测年方法结合使用时,它可以用于开发区域参考年代地层学框架。在2016年夏季,在R / V Pourquoi pas?号上沿小安的列斯群岛的大西洋一侧收集了几个活塞芯作为CASEIS探险计划的一部分。核心CAS16-24PC专门用于年代地层分析,并允许开发准连续第四纪记录。在这项研究中,在识别并去除了快速沉积的层(例如浊石和特非拉层)之后,我们通过使用实验室感应的滞回剩余磁化强度对自然剩余磁化强度进行了归一化,从而重建了相对古强度(RPI)的变化。年龄模型,我们与过去2林吉特(PADM-2M)的PISO-1500堆栈和古地磁轴偶极矩模型RPI记录和浮游氧同位素记录(δ比较发达18 O)核心CAS16-24PC与LR04底栖堆栈。通过结合δ 18在古地磁分析地层学中,我们建立了一个年龄模型,该模型涵盖了Brunhes / Matuyama边界和Jaramillo Subchron回到〜1.15 Ma,平均沉积速率为1.7 cm / kyr。这个年龄模型补充了来自IODP运动和火山记录的古磁数据,并提供了几乎完整的倾角,磁偏角和RPI记录作为本地参考。
