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Requirements Engineering Tools: An Evaluation
IEEE Software ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1109/ms.2021.3058394
Juan M. Carrillo de Gea 1 , Christof Ebert 2 , Mohamed Hosni 3 , Aurora Vizcaino 4 , Joaquin Nicolas 1 , Jose L. Fernandez-Aleman 1

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." Alice from Alice in Wonderland was told this obvious piece of wisdom when she asked for directions. We all know this wisdom from navigating through the fog of insufficient requirements when working on projects. Clear goals can be achieved; unclear goals are sure to be missed. Requirements engineering (RE) is the disciplined and systematic approach (i.e., "engineering") for elicitation, documentation, analysis, agreement, verification, and management of requirements while considering market, technical, and economic goals. "Disciplined" is about culture, and "systematic" demands process and tools, which is our focus here.



“如果您不知道要走的路,那么任何一条路都将带您到达那里。” 当她问路时,来自爱丽丝梦游仙境的爱丽丝被告知了这一显而易见的智慧。通过在项目上工作时遇到需求不足的迷雾,我们都知道这种智慧。可以实现明确的目标;目标不明确肯定会被错过。需求工程(RE)是在考虑市场,技术和经济目标的同时,对需求进行确定,记录,分析,协议,验证和管理的规范且系统的方法(即“工程”)。“有纪律”是关于文化的,“系统化”是关于过程和工具的,这是我们在这里关注的重点。