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Robust measurement of innovation performances in Europe with a hierarchy of interacting composite indicators
Economics of Innovation and New Technology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2021.1910815
Salvatore Corrente 1 , Ana Garcia-Bernabeu 2 , Salvatore Greco 1 , Teemu Makkonen 3


For a long time, the measurement of innovation has been at the forefront of policymakers' and researchers' agenda worldwide. Therefore, there is an ongoing debate about which indicators should be used to measure innovation. Recent approaches have favoured the use of composite innovation indicators. The European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) is a relevant tool for benchmarking innovation in Europe. Still, the EIS lacks a proper scheme for weighting the included indicators according to their relative importance. Moreover, despite there is a consensus on the importance of interaction between different dimensions of innovation, there is no composite indicator taking into account of this. We propose an appraisal methodology permitting to take into consideration the interaction of dimensions to be aggregated and robustness concerns related to the elicitation of the weights assigned to the elementary indicators structured in a hierarchical way. With this aim, we apply a multiple-criteria decision-making approach being the conjunction of three methodologies, namely, the multiple-criteria hierarchy process, the Choquet integral and the stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis. It helps the users to rank and benchmark countries' innovation performance at partial and global level taking into account the importance and interaction of dimensions as well as robustness concerns.




长期以来,创新衡量一直是全球政策制定者和研究人员议程的重中之重。因此,关于应该使用哪些指标来衡量创新,一直存在争论。最近的方法有利于使用复合创新指标。欧洲创新记分牌 (EIS) 是衡量欧洲创新的相关工具。尽管如此,EIS 仍缺乏一个适当的方案来根据其相对重要性对所包含的指标进行加权。此外,尽管对不同创新维度之间相互作用的重要性达成共识,但没有综合指标考虑到这一点。我们提出了一种评估方法,允许考虑要聚合的维度的相互作用以及与以分层方式构造的基本指标分配的权重的引出相关的稳健性问题。为此,我们应用了一种多标准决策方法,它结合了三种方法,即多标准层次过程、Choquet 积分和随机多标准可接受性分析。它帮助用户在部分和全球层面对国家的创新绩效进行排名和基准测试,同时考虑维度的重要性和相互作用以及稳健性问题。我们应用了一种多标准决策方法,它结合了三种方法,即多标准层次过程、Choquet 积分和随机多标准可接受性分析。它帮助用户在部分和全球层面对国家的创新绩效进行排名和基准测试,同时考虑维度的重要性和相互作用以及稳健性问题。我们应用了一种多标准决策方法,它结合了三种方法,即多标准层次过程、Choquet 积分和随机多标准可接受性分析。它帮助用户在部分和全球层面对国家的创新绩效进行排名和基准测试,同时考虑维度的重要性和相互作用以及稳健性问题。
