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Rape’s Hypothetical in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure
Shakespeare Quarterly ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1093/sq/quaa020
Connie Scozzaro

In a mostly faithful redux of the Ciceronian categories “who, what, where, with what help, why, how, when,” Edward Coke’s Institutes advise a plaintiff on how to make a credible complaint in a court of law.11 “[T]he count of the appellant,” he declares, “must comprehend these seven things: 1. The fact, 2. the yeer, 3. the day, 4. the hour, 5. the time of the king, 6. the Town where the fact was done, and lastly, with what weapon.”22 “[T]he fact” in this context is roughly synonymous to our modern word “crime,” and the last things to come are the place, “the Town where the fact was done,” and the “weapon.” But before that are the temporal markers proceeding from biggest to smallest: the “yeer” to the “day” and, finally, the “hour.” Coke’s gentle modulation of Cicero’s ordering suggests a subtle difference in priority—where Cicero places time last, Coke places it second only to the crime; where Cicero supplies only one time-related word, “when,” Coke’s formula gives four out of seven categories over to the identification and careful subdivision of time. Coke’s gloss on “Le jour” goes on to specify it in terms of diurnal rhythms and a composite of smaller hours: “the naturall day, comprehending both the Solare day, and the night also, containing 24 hours.”33 I take Coke’s language to indicate the new ways that common law was encouraging people to consider crime as an irruptive action taking place in a bounded temporality. Specifically, I argue that crime was imagined as occurring in a special and constrained interval of time approximate to the occasion, which was represented as an interruption in time’s “naturall” ongoingness in which “Solare day” predictably gives way to night.



在西塞罗类别的大多是忠实的终极版“谁,什么,在哪里,什么帮助,为什么,如何,何时,”爱德华·科克的机构就如何使一个可信的投诉law.1法院原告1 “[他宣称,上诉人的数目必须理解以下七个方面:1.事实2.赞成3.天,4.小时,5.国王的时间,6。事实所在的城镇,最后是用什么武器的城镇。” 2 2在这种情况下,“事实”与我们现代的“犯罪”一词大体上是同义词,接下来要做的就是“事实发生的城镇”和“武器”。但是在此之前,时间标记是从最大到最小的:“是”到“天”,最后是“小时”。可口可乐对西塞罗秩序的平缓调动表明了优先级上的细微差别–西塞罗将时间排在最后,可口可乐仅次于犯罪。在Cicero仅提供一个与时间相关的单词“何时”的情况下,可口可乐的公式将7个类别中的4个用于时间的识别和仔细的细分。可口可乐对“ Le jour ”的印象”继续以昼夜节律和较小的小时数来表示:“自然的一天,既包括索拉里的白天,又包括24小时的夜晚。” 3 3我采用可口可乐的语言来表示新的方式普通法鼓励人们将犯罪视为在有限的时间范围内发生的破坏性行为。具体来说,我认为犯罪被想象为发生在一个特殊的且受时间限制的时间间隔内,该时间间隔近似于该情况,这被表示为时间的“自然”进行性的中断,在这种情况下,“索拉雷日”可想而知地变成了夜晚。