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Epigenetic insight into regulatory role of chromatin covalent modifications in lifecycle and virulence of Phytophthora
Environmental Microbiology Reports ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12954
Fernando Uriel Rojas-Rojas 1, 2 , Julio C Vega-Arreguín 1, 2

The Oomycota phylum includes fungi-like filamentous microorganisms classified as plant pathogens. The most destructive genus within oomycetes is Phytophthora, which causes diseases in plants of economic importance in agriculture, forestry and ornamental. Phytophthora species are widespread worldwide and some of them enable adaptation to different hosts and environmental changes. The development of sexual and asexual reproductive structures and the secretion of proteins to control plant immunity are critical for the adaptative lifestyle. However, molecular mechanisms underlying the adaptation of Phytophthora to different hosts and environmental changes are poorly understood. In the last decade, the role of epigenetics has gained attention, and important evidence has demonstrated the potential role of chromatin covalent modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation/methylation, in the regulation of gene expression during Phytophthora development and plant infection. Here, we review for the first time the evidence of the potential role of chromatin covalent modifications in the lifecycle of the phytopathogenic genus Phytophthora, including virulence, and host and environment adaptation processes.



卵菌门包括分类为植物病原体的类真菌丝状微生物。卵菌中最具破坏性的属是疫霉属,它会导致在农业、林业和观赏植物中具有经济重要性的植物发生疾病。疫霉属物种在世界范围内广泛分布,其中一些能够适应不同的宿主和环境变化。有性和无性生殖结构的发育以及控制植物免疫的蛋白质分泌对于适应性生活方式至关重要。然而,疫霉适应的分子机制对不同宿主和环境变化的了解甚少。在过去十年中,表观遗传学的作用受到关注,重要证据表明染色质共价修饰(如 DNA 甲基化和组蛋白乙酰化/甲基化)在疫霉发育和植物感染过程中基因表达调控中的潜在作用。在这里,我们首次回顾了染色质共价修饰在植物病原体疫霉属生命周期中的潜在作用的证据,包括毒力、宿主和环境适应过程。