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Study of resonant Auger emission in Pt3Co alloy with resonant photoemission
Current Applied Physics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cap.2021.04.007
Minsik Seo , Habin Kang , Geonhwa Kim , Moonjung Jung , Fabrice Bournel , Jean-Jacques Gallet , Ki-jeong Kim , Bongjin Simon Mun

Valence band spectra of a polycrystalline Pt3Co alloy were measured with photon energies near Co L3 absorption edge. On the absorption edge, Co L3M4,5M4,5 Auger signals are superimposed on the valence band spectra. Prior to the absorption maximum, the Auger signals display constant binding energy corresponding to radiationless Raman Auger process. After the absorption maximum, normal Auger process occurs, showing characteristics of constant kinetic energy. The transition of Auger process in Pt3Co is carefully discussed, which is deviating to that in Co metal and other 3d transition metals. Our analysis of resonant Auger spectra confirmed the strong delocalization of Co 3d band in Pt3Co alloy.
