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Method to decompose uncertainties in LCA results into contributing factors
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s11367-020-01850-5
Yuwei Qin , Sangwon Suh


Understanding uncertainty is essential in using life cycle assessment (LCA) to support decisions. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is widely used to characterize the variability in LCA results, be them life cycle inventory (LCI), category indicator results, normalized results, or weighted results. In this study, we present a new method to decompose MCS results into underlying contributors using the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) decomposition method with a case study on natural gas focusing on two impact categories: global warming and USETox human health impacts.


First, after each run of MCS, the difference in simulated and deterministic results is decomposed using the LMDI decomposition method, which returns the contribution of each factor to the difference of the run. After repeating this for 1000 MCS runs, the statistical properties of the contributions by each factor are analyzed. The method quantifies the contribution of underlying variables, such as characterization factors and LCI items, to the overall variability of the result, such as characterized results.


The method presented can decompose the variabilities in LCI, characterized, normalized, or weighted results into LCI items, characterization factors, normalization references, weighting factors, or any subset of them. As an illustrative example, a case study on natural gas LCA was conducted, and the variabilities in characterized results were decomposed into underlying LCI items and characterization factors. The results show that LCI and characterization phases contribute 65% and 35%, respectively, to the uncertainty of the characterized result for global warming. For the human health impact category, LCIs and characterization factors contribute 32% and 68%, respectively, to the overall uncertainty. In particular, methane emissions in LCI contributed the most to the overall uncertainties in global warming impact, while the characterization factor of chromium was identified as the main driver of the overall uncertainties in human health impact of natural gas. 

Conclusions and discussion

Using this approach, LCA practitioners can decompose the overall variability in the results to the underlying contributors under the MCS setting, which can help prioritize the parameters that need further refinement to reduce overall uncertainty in the results. The method reliably estimates the uncertainty contributions of the variables with large variabilities without the need for large computational resources, and it can be applied to any stage of an LCA calculation including normalization and weighting, or to other fields than LCA such as material flow analysis and risk assessment.










