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Scenes: Warbler Press an interview with Mary Bahr
American Book Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19
Mary Bahr

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • ScenesWarbler Press an interview with Mary Bahr
  • Mary Bahr

Could you briefly describe your press's history?

Mary Bahr founded Warbler Press in January of 2019. Drawing on her experience in the publicity, publishing, and editorial departments at the University of California Press, Simon & Schuster, and Random House, she envisioned a new publishing model that avoids some common pitfalls of traditional publishing: author exploitation, cumbersome production processes, disproportionate overhead, outdated marketing and publicity models, and a lack of cooperation between publisher and author.

At the same time, she saw an opportunity for a small yet agile press to maximize new and existing technologies to publish high quality paperback and ebook editions of classic and original titles for instant global distribution across all platforms, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, independent bookstores, and other outlets.

Warbler Press officially launched with the publication of The Prophet with The Forerunner and The Madman, a new edition of Kahlil Gibran's classic with a new, specially commissioned introduction by Ulrich Baer and Glenn Wallis, paired with the editor's podcast on the book's enduring relevance. Since its founding, Warbler Press has published more than fifty high-quality books across a wide variety of genres.

In April of 2020, after collaborating on a dozen classic editions with Bahr, Ulrich Baer joined Warbler Press as Editorial Director. Baer is University Professor at New York University where he teaches literature and photography. A graduate of Harvard and Yale and the recipient of Guggenheim, Getty, and Humboldt fellowships, he has published with leading academic and commercial publishers on poetry, fiction, photography, and general topics. He is also the creator and host of the popular podcast Think About It. His expertise and use of new media dovetail seamlessly with the spirit and aims of Warbler Press.

How would you characterize the work you publish?

Warbler Press publishes an unpredictable mix of classics, rediscovered masterpieces, and meaningful and sometimes audacious original work. Classic Warbler Press titles have new introductions for twenty-first century readers that draw on the most up-to-date scholarship, and often include original reviews or relevant yet lesser known texts by the author.

Classics like Mary Austin's bestselling The Land of Little Rain with exquisitely reproduced original illustrations, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with a new afterword geared to today's readers, Jerome K. Jerome's hilarious Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog) with original illustrations, James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man with an introduction reflecting on America's race relations today, Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year with an afterword addressing modern pandemics, and new books like Fictions of America: The Book of Firsts and An Anarchist's Manifesto express an editorial through-line that might be described as eclectic, sophisticated, entertaining, and socially relevant.

Who is your audience, and in what ways are you trying to reach them?

We publish for a global audience of general readers, book enthusiasts, academics, teachers, and students. We rely on word-of-mouth, carefully curated social media campaigns and engagement, our authors, and strategic outreach to traditional media to find our readers. We are focused on providing new books for readers who thirst for meaningful content but are not inclined to purchase expensive academic editions as an introductory text. The Warbler Press Contemplations series, for example, includes five slender, accessible, yet expertly edited texts on love with selections from Friedrich Nietzsche, Emily Dickinson, Rainer Maria Rilke, Oscar Wilde, and Shakespeare.

With the anthology of first texts published by a range of writers deliberately excluded from or overlooked in the American canon, Fictions of America: The Book of Firsts (2020), we have added a usable, affordable, and expertly researched and produced textbook for high school and college students. By engaging directly with teachers and readers on our social media channels and producing accompanying podcasts with the world's leading experts on these overlooked texts, we are appealing to a new generation of readers that may not encounter new books via traditional channels.

What is your role in the publishing scene?

Warbler Press seeks to provide a publishing partnership with established and emerging authors. As mega-houses consolidate...


场景:莺莺(Warbler Press)采访玛丽·巴尔(Mary Bahr)


  • Scenes Warbler Press接受Mary Bahr的采访
  • 玛丽·巴尔(Mary Bahr)


玛丽·巴尔(Mary Bahr)于2019年1月成立了《莺歌出版社》。她凭借在加州大学出版社,西蒙·舒斯特出版社和兰登书屋的宣传,出版和编辑部门的经验,设想了一种新的出版模式,可以避免一些常见的陷阱。传统出版:作者利用,繁琐的生产过程,不成比例的管理费用,过时的营销和宣传模式以及出版商和作者之间缺乏合作。


莺鸟出版社(The Warbler Press)正式发行,先知与先驱者(The Forerunner)和《狂人》The Madman)发行,新版的卡勒尔·吉布兰(Kahlil Gibran)的经典著作,以及乌尔里希·巴尔(Ulrich Baer)和格伦·沃利斯(Glenn Wallis)的特别委托作的新引言,以及编辑对该书的持久意义的播客。自成立以来,莺鸟出版社已出版了五十多本涵盖各种流派的高质量书籍。

2020年4月,在与Bahr合作制作了十二个经典版本之后,Ulrich Baer加入了《莺歌》出版社担任编辑总监。贝尔是纽约大学的大学教授,在那里他教授文学和摄影。他毕业于哈佛大学和耶鲁大学,并获得了古根海姆,Getty和Humboldt研究金,并与领先的学术和商业出版商就诗歌,小说,摄影和一般主题发表论文。他还是流行的播客“思考”的创作者和主持人。他的专业知识和对新媒体的使用与莺歌社的精神和宗旨紧密结合。


莺书出版社(Warbler Press)出版了各种经典作品,重新发现的杰作以及有意义的,有时是大胆的原创作品。经典的《莺歌》出版社的标题为二十一世纪的读者提供了新的介绍,它们利用了最新的学术知识,并且经常包括原文评论或作者鲜为人知的相关文本。

经典,像玛丽·奥斯汀最畅销的少雨的土地与精美再现原作插画,玛丽·雪莱的弗兰肯斯坦与面向今天的读者一个新的后记,杰罗姆K.杰罗姆的热闹三人在船上(对狗的甭)与原创插画詹姆士·韦尔登·约翰逊(James Weldon Johnson)的《前有色人种自传》,介绍了当今美国的种族关系,丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defoe)的《瘟疫年报》,用后言讲现代流行病,以及新书,例如《美国小说:第一本无政府主义者的小说》。宣言 表达社论直言不讳,折衷,精致,娱乐和与社会相关的内容。



在美国经典著作《小说:第一本书》(2020)中,有一部分作家故意将其排除在美国经典著作之外,或者在《美国小说:The Firsts of the Firsts》中被忽略,我们增加了一本实用,可负担得起且经过专业研究和生产的高级教科书。学校和大学生。通过直接与我们的社交媒体频道上的老师和读者互动,并与全球领先的专家就这些被忽视的文字制作播客,我们正在吸引新一代的读者,他们可能不会通过传统渠道接触到新书。


莺书出版社(Warbler Press)寻求与知名作家和新兴作者建立出版合作伙伴关系。随着大型房屋的合并...
