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Constraining the HBV model for robust water balance assessments in a cold climate
Hydrology Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.2166/nh.2021.132
Helene Birkelund Erlandsen 1, 2 , Stein Beldring 1 , Stephanie Eisner 3 , Hege Hisdal 1 , Shaochun Huang 1 , Lena Merete Tallaksen 2

Robust projections of changes in the hydrological cycle in a non-stationary climate rely on trustworthy estimates of the water balance elements. Additional drivers than precipitation and temperature, namely wind, radiation, and humidity are known to have a significant influence on processes such as evaporation, snow accumulation, and snow-melt. A gridded version of the rainfall-runoff HBV model is run at a 1 × 1 km scale for mainland Norway for the period 1980–2014, with the following alterations: (i) the implementation of a physically based evaporation scheme; (ii) a net radiation-restricted degree-day factor for snow-melt, and (iii) a diagnostic precipitation phase threshold based on temperature and humidity. The combination of improved forcing data and model alterations allowed for a regional calibration with fewer calibrated parameters. Concurrently, modeled discharge showed equally good or better validation results than previous gridded model versions constructed for the same domain; and discharge trend patterns, snow water equivalent, and potential evaporation compared fairly to observations. Compared with previous studies, lower precipitation and evaporation values for mainland Norway were found. The results suggest that a more robust and more physically based model for climate change studies has been obtained, although additional studies will be needed to further constrain evaporation estimates.



非平稳气候中水文循环变化的可靠预测取决于对水平衡要素的可靠估计。已知除降水和温度以外的其他驱动因素(即风,辐射和湿度)会对诸如蒸发,积雪和融雪等过程产生重大影响。1980年至2014年期间,挪威大陆的降雨径流HBV模型的网格化版本以1×1 km的比例运行,并进行了以下更改:(i)实施基于物理的蒸发方案;(ii)融雪的净辐射限制度日因子,和(iii)基于温度和湿度的诊断性降水相位阈值。改进的强制数据和模型更改的组合允许使用较少的校准参数进行区域校准。同时,与先前为相同域构建的网格化模型版本相比,模型化流量显示出相同或更好的验证结果。与观测值相比,排放趋势模式,雪水当量以及潜在的蒸发量。与以前的研究相比,挪威大陆的降水和蒸发量较低。结果表明,尽管将需要进一步的研究来进一步限制蒸发量的估计,但已经获得了一个更强大,更基于物理的气候变化研究模型。与以前的研究相比,挪威大陆的降水和蒸发量较低。结果表明,尽管将需要进一步的研究来进一步限制蒸发量的估计,但已经获得了一个更强大,更基于物理的气候变化研究模型。与以前的研究相比,挪威大陆的降水和蒸发量较低。结果表明,尽管将需要进一步的研究来进一步限制蒸发量的估计,但已经获得了一个更强大,更基于物理的气候变化研究模型。
