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Kant and Russell on Leibniz’ Existential Assertions
Sophia ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11841-021-00831-x
Alessandro Rossi

Leibniz believed in a God that has the power to create beings and whose existence could be a priori demonstrated. Kant (KrV, A 592-602/B 620-630) objected that similar demonstrations all presuppose the false claim that existence is a real property. Russell (London and New York: Routledge, 1992) added that if existence were a real property Leibniz should have concluded that God does not actually have the power to create anything at all. First, I show that Leibniz’ conception of existence is incompatible with the one that Russell presupposes. Subsequently, I argue that on Leibniz’ conception of existence Russell’s objection is immediately undermined.



莱布尼兹(Leibniz)相信上帝具有创造生命的力量,并且其存在可以被先验地证明。康德(KrV,A 592-602 / B 620-630)反对,类似的论证都以存在存在是不动产的虚假主张为前提。罗素(伦敦和纽约:鲁特利奇,1992年)补充说,如果存在是不动产,莱布尼兹应该得出这样的结论:上帝实际上根本没有创造任何东西的能力。首先,我证明莱布尼兹的存在概念与拉塞尔所假设的存在概念是不相容的。随后,我认为关于莱布尼兹的存在概念,罗素的异议立即遭到破坏。
