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The evolution of sea lamprey control in the St. Marys River: 1997–2019
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2021.03.014
Lori A. Criger , Jessica M. Barber , Gale A. Bravener , Travis O. Brenden , Fraser B. Neave

The St. Marys River was historically the single largest sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) producer in the Great Lakes. Rehabilitation of the once thriving Lake Huron fishery that had collapsed due to overfishing and habitat degradation was significantly inhibited by this uncontrolled source of sea lamprey. In 1997, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission implemented an integrated control strategy that incorporated lampricide control (granular Bayluscide spot treatments), sterile male release technique (SMRT), and enhanced trapping during the spawning migration. A decrease in the abundance of juvenile sea lamprey in the St. Marys River and a decline in lake trout wounding rates in Lake Huron following large-scale granular Bayluscide treatments in 1998, 1999, 2010 and 2011 indicated that lampricide control was most effective in controlling larval sea lamprey abundance in the river. The effects from the SMRT and adult trapping, however, could not be fully determined. Uncertainty in the efficacy of these alternative control techniques and in stock-recruitment relationships, ultimately led to the termination of the integrated control strategy. Since 2012, sea lamprey in the St. Marys River have been controlled exclusively with granular Bayluscide to treat areas with high densities of larvae. An adaptive management approach that considers the best available data has been incorporated to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing control strategies. The evolution of sea lamprey control in the St. Marys River has resulted in a 90% reduction in sea lamprey from the river and contributed to recovery of the Lake Huron fish community.


St. Marys河中海洋七里角控制的演变:1997–2019年

从历史上看,圣玛丽斯河是最大的海七lamp鱼(Petromyzon marinus)大湖区的生产商。由于过度捕捞和栖息环境的恶化,曾经因过度捕捞和栖息地退化而瘫痪的曾经繁荣的休伦湖渔业的恢复受到了极大的抑制。1997年,大湖区渔业委员会实施了一项综合控制策略,该策略包括了杀虫剂控制(颗粒状贝卢西德斑点处理),无菌雄性释放技术(SMRT)以及产卵迁徙过程中的诱捕。在1998年,1999年,2010年和2011年进行大规模颗粒状Bayluscide处理后,圣马里斯河幼鱼七彩鳗的丰度下降,休伦湖的湖鳟受伤率下降,这表明除害剂控制是最有效的控制方法。幼虫海七lamp鳗在河里。但是,SMRT和成人诱捕的影响是 无法完全确定。这些替代控制技术的有效性以及库存-招聘关系的不确定性最终导致了集成控制策略的终止。自2012年以来,仅使用颗粒状的贝卢西德(Bayluscide)来控制圣玛丽斯河中的海鳗,以治疗幼虫密度高的地区。考虑到最佳可用数据的自适应管理方法已被纳入监视和评估正在进行的控制策略的有效性。圣玛丽斯河对海鳗的控制发展使该河中的海鳗减少了90%,并为休伦湖鱼类群落的恢复做出了贡献。最终导致了集成控制策略的终止。自2012年以来,仅使用颗粒状的贝卢西德(Bayluscide)来控制圣玛丽斯河中的海鳗,以治疗幼虫密度高的地区。考虑到最佳可用数据的自适应管理方法已被纳入监视和评估正在进行的控制策略的有效性。圣玛丽斯河对海鳗的控制发展使该河中的海鳗减少了90%,并为休伦湖鱼类群落的恢复做出了贡献。最终导致了集成控制策略的终止。自2012年以来,仅使用颗粒状的贝卢西德(Bayluscide)来控制圣玛丽斯河中的海鳗,以治疗幼虫密度高的地区。考虑到最佳可用数据的自适应管理方法已被纳入监视和评估正在进行的控制策略的有效性。圣玛丽斯河对海鳗的控制发展使该河中的海鳗减少了90%,并为休伦湖鱼类群落的恢复做出了贡献。考虑到最佳可用数据的自适应管理方法已被纳入监视和评估正在进行的控制策略的有效性。圣玛丽斯河对海鳗的控制发展使该河中的海鳗减少了90%,并为休伦湖鱼类群落的恢复做出了贡献。考虑到最佳可用数据的自适应管理方法已被纳入监视和评估正在进行的控制策略的有效性。圣玛丽斯河对海鳗的控制发展使该河中的海鳗减少了90%,并为休伦湖鱼类群落的恢复做出了贡献。
