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Grammatical Encoding of Discourse Structure: A Case Study of The Arabic Discourse Particle Tara
Transactions of the Philological Society ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-968x.12208
Marwan Jarrah 1 , Mustafa Harb 2

This study shows that the discourse particle tara in Jordanian Arabic identifies whether its utterance presents new or given information. In other words, there exists a relation between the presence of this particle (i.e. its position) and the type of information packaging of its utterance. When tara appears utterance-initially, the accompanying utterance is presented as being in sentence focus (i.e. as all-new). By contrast, when tara appears utterance-finally, the accompanying utterance is presented as all-given, and the hearer in such cases is instructed to pay attention to the content of the utterance which he/she should be previously aware of, from the speaker’s perspective. Additionally, this paper shows that tara can be used as a topic marker when it appears utterance-internally. In such cases, tara is preceded by the element(s) expressing Referential Topic(s) (RTop) which convey the shared and anaphoric information with respect to the interlocutors’ mental state and previous discourse.



这项研究表明,约旦阿拉伯语中的话语助词tara 可以识别其话语是提供新信息还是给定信息。换句话说,这个粒子的存在(即它的位置)与其话语的信息包装类型之间存在关系。当tara最初出现话语时,伴随的话语被呈现为在句子焦点中(即作为全新的)。相比之下,当tara出现话语-finally时,伴随的话语被呈现为全部给定的,并且在这种情况下,听话者被指示注意他/她应该事先知道的话语内容,从说话者的角度出发。看法。此外,本文表明tara当它出现在话语内部时,可以用作主题标记。在这种情况下,tara前面是表达参考主题 (RTop) 的元素,这些元素传达与对话者的精神状态和先前话语有关的共享和照应信息。