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Biden Administration Reengages with International Institutions and Agreements
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2021.12

The newly inaugurated administration of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. took immediate steps to reengage with a variety of international institutions and agreements from which the Trump administration had withdrawn. On January 20, 2021, the administration deposited with the United Nations a new instrument of acceptance of the Paris Agreement on climate change, and it halted U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO). On January 21, the United States announced that it would participate in the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) Facility, an international vaccine distribution scheme. The Biden administration also announced that it would reengage with and seek election to the UN Human Rights Council, and it quickly reached agreement with Russia for a five-year extension of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), the last remaining arms control agreement between the two countries. These early moves are consistent with the foreign policy strategy President Biden previewed during the campaign when he promised to “renew American leadership” and “[e]levate [d]iplomacy.” In his first speech on foreign policy as president, delivered at the U.S. State Department on February 4, Biden asserted that “America is back” and that “[d]iplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy.” To implement these objectives, Biden has appointed a slate of experienced foreign affairs officials, many of whom worked in the Obama administration.



小约瑟夫·拜登 (Joseph R. Biden, Jr.) 总统新就职的政府立即采取措施,重新与特朗普政府退出的各种国际机构和协议进行接触。2021 年 1 月 20 日,美国政府向联合国交存了一份接受《巴黎气候变化协定》的新文书,并停止了美国退出世界卫生组织 (WHO)。1 月 21 日,美国宣布将参与 COVID-19 疫苗全球获取 (COVAX) 机制,这是一项国际疫苗分发计划。拜登政府还宣布将重新参与联合国人权理事会并寻求选举,并迅速与俄罗斯达成协议,将新削减战略武器条约(New START)延长五年,两国之间最后的军备控制协议。这些早期举措与拜登总统在竞选期间预演的外交政策战略是一致的,当时他承诺“更新美国的领导地位”和“[e]提升[d]外交”。拜登于 2 月 4 日在美国国务院发表的第一次总统外交政策演讲中宣称,“美国回来了”,“外交重新回到了我们外交政策的中心”。为了实现这些目标,拜登任命了一批经验丰富的外交官员,其中许多人曾在奥巴马政府工作。这些早期举措与拜登总统在竞选期间预演的外交政策战略是一致的,当时他承诺“更新美国的领导地位”和“[e]提升[d]外交”。拜登于 2 月 4 日在美国国务院发表的第一次总统外交政策演讲中宣称,“美国回来了”,“外交重新回到了我们外交政策的中心”。为了实现这些目标,拜登任命了一批经验丰富的外交官员,其中许多人曾在奥巴马政府工作。这些早期举措与拜登总统在竞选期间预演的外交政策战略是一致的,当时他承诺“更新美国的领导地位”和“[e]提升[d]外交”。拜登于 2 月 4 日在美国国务院发表的第一次总统外交政策演讲中宣称,“美国回来了”,“外交重新回到了我们外交政策的中心”。为了实现这些目标,拜登任命了一批经验丰富的外交官员,其中许多人曾在奥巴马政府工作。