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Back to the roots: Quilombola travel in Brazil and West Africa
World Leisure Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1080/16078055.2021.1887997
Natália Marques da Silva 1 , T. R. Pinheiro 2


In the African Diaspora, travel remains an integral component of diasporic exchange and aspirations of belonging. For many, visiting continental Africa or segments of its Diaspora can foster or strengthen self-recognition and narrative ownership. In this article, we examine how these potential outcomes related to different forms of Quilombola travel, such as transatlantic return (Quilombolas travelling to Africa) and destination-making (Quilombos as travel destinations). To analyse the latter concept, we observed tourism development in the Quilombo Campinho da Independência, in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro. For the former, we analysed a 2010 trip to West Africa by Quilombolas from Santa Rosa dos Pretos, Filipa and Santa Joana, in Maranhão. While individual experiences and interpretations varied among interviewees, the majority framed engagements with travel and tourism as a means of resistance. They demonstrated that when equitable and community-led, travel contributes to long-term anti-racism and anti-oppression initiatives in addition to its aforementioned benefits.




在非洲侨民中,旅行仍然是流散性交流和归属感的不可或缺的组成部分。对于许多人来说,访问非洲大陆或其侨民的部分地区可以促进或加强自我认可和叙事所有权。在本文中,我们研究了这些潜在结果如何与不同形式的Quilombola旅行相关,例如跨大西洋回程(Quilombolas前往非洲)和目的地制定(Quilombos作为旅行目的地)。为了分析后一个概念,我们观察了里约热内卢帕拉蒂的Quilombo Campinho daIndependência的旅游业发展。对于前者,我们分析了Quilombolas在马拉尼昂州圣罗莎·多斯普雷托斯,菲利帕岛和圣胡安娜的2010年西非之行。尽管受访者的个人经历和解释各不相同,多数人将旅行和旅游业作为抵制手段。他们证明,在公平和社区主导下,旅行除上述好处外,还为长期的反种族主义和反压迫活动做出了贡献。
