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Concealment of a Sexual Minority Identity in the Workplace: The Role of Workplace Climate and Identity Centrality
Journal of Homosexuality ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1917219
Elizabeth Grace Holman 1 , Brian G Ogolsky 2 , Ramona Faith Oswald 2


Concealing a sexual minority identity at work has been linked to adverse health and employment outcomes. The authors of this paper examine whether LGBQ employee levels of concealment from coworkers and supervisors are linked to perceived workplace climate and LGBQ-identity centrality. Rainbow Illinois 2010–2011 data were used; N = 319 LGBQ full or part-time employees. Multiple regression with moderation was used to test the hypotheses. Support and hostility in the workplace each had a negative main effect on concealment from coworkers as well as supervisors. The interaction between support and centrality was also significant. LGBQ employees who placed greater importance on their sexual orientation were more likely to disclose that identity to supervisors in the face of hostility than those with less central identities. Thus, sexual minorities may be more responsive to workplace climate when they have more central identities.




在工作中隐藏性少数群体的身份与不良的健康和就业结果有关。本文的作者研究了 LGBQ 员工对同事和主管的隐瞒程度是否与感知的工作场所氛围和 LGBQ 身份中心性有关。使用伊利诺伊州彩虹2010-2011 年数据;N = 319 LGBQ 全职或兼职员工。使用适度的多元回归来检验假设。工作场所的支持和敌意都会对同事和主管的隐瞒行为产生负面影响。支持度和中心度之间的相互作用也很重要。与那些不太重要的身份的员工相比,更重视自己性取向的 LGBQ 员工在面临敌意时更有可能向主管透露自己的身份。因此,当性少数群体拥有更核心的身份时,他们可能会对工作场所氛围更加敏感。
