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Evaluation of a two-source patch model to estimate vineyard energy balance using high-resolution thermal images acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108433
Samuel Ortega-Farias , Wladimir Esteban-Condori , Camilo Riveros-Burgos , Fernando Fuentes-Peñailillo , Matthew Bardeen

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with high-resolution thermal infrared (TIR) cameras can provide the necessary spatial variability for estimating energy balance (EB) components over heterogeneous canopies, such as those of vineyards. An experiment was carried out to evaluate a two-source patch energy balance (TSPEB) model for computing the net radiation (Rn), sensible heat flux (H), soil heat flux (G), and latent heat flux (LE) over two drip-irrigated vineyards. These vineyards were trained on a vertical shoot-positioned (VSP) system and located in the Molina and Pencahue valleys, Maule Region, Chile (35° 20’L. S, 71° 46’L. W, 86 m.a.s.l.). For this study, a UAV was equipped with a TIR camera to retrieve the surface temperature (Ts) at a very high resolution (6 cm x 6 cm). At the time of the UAV overpass, the meteorological variables and EB components were collected above the vineyard. The TSPEB model was evaluated using the H and LE measurements from an eddy covariance (EC) system. Additionally, the computed values of Rn and G were compared with field measurements from a four-way net radiometer and flux plates, respectively. The results indicated that the TSPEB model estimated Rn, H, G, and LE with errors of 7, 14, 7, and 9%, respectively. For the EB components, the values of the mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) ranged from 13-75 and 11-61 W m−2, respectively. The main uncertainties were associated with errors in the estimation of the soil and canopy sensible heat fluxes.



使用配备有高分辨率热红外(TIR)摄像机的无人机(UAV)可以提供必要的空间变异性,以估算非均质冠层(例如葡萄园的冠层)上的能量平衡(EB)组件。进行了一个实验,以评估两源补丁能量平衡(TSPEB)模型,以计算净辐射(R n),显热通量(H),土壤热通量(G)和潜热通量(LE))在两个滴灌的葡萄园中。这些葡萄园在垂直射影定位(VSP)系统上进行了培训,并位于智利毛勒地区的莫利纳和彭卡休谷中(南纬35°20',西纬71°46'L,86 masl)。对于这项研究,无人机配备了TIR摄像机,以非常高的分辨率(6 cm x 6 cm)检索表面温度(T s)。在无人机立交时,气象变量和EB成分被收集在葡萄园上方。TSPEB模型是使用涡度协方差(EC)系统的HLE测量值进行评估的。此外,Rn和G的计算值分别与四通网辐射计和通量板的现场测量结果进行了比较。结果表明,TSPEB模型估计的R n,H,GLE分别具有7%,14%,7%和9%的误差。对于EB组件,均方误差(RMSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)的值分别在13-75和11-61 W m -2的范围内。主要的不确定性与土壤和冠层感热通量估算中的误差有关。
