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Wave and storm signals in a lacustrine succession and their relationship to paleowind direction (Tanan Depression, Mongolia, early Cretaceous)
Sedimentary Geology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.105911
Xinyu Xue , Yuanfu Zhang , Zaixing Jiang , Li Wang , Siqi Wang , Hongfu Jiang

Existing fan-delta depositional models for lacustrine basins do not adequately address significant wave- and storm-related processes. However, in many lakes, such high-energy processes can be effectively driven by winds. As such, the prevailing wind direction determines the propagation direction of wind-induced waves. Observations from modern examples show that wave-dominated deposits commonly exist on one side of the lake, and their sedimentary processes are completely distinct from those on the opposite side. However, equivalent deposits have seldom been identified from subsurface data. We present an ancient example from the Upper Tongbomiao Formation in the Tanan Depression (Tamtsag Basin, Mongolia), which was previously interpreted as a fan-delta depositional system. Based on extensive core investigations, eighteen lithofacies, six lithofacies associations and two genetic deposition systems are identified, and a new sedimentological interpretation is proposed comprising a wave-dominated clastic littoral system in the western half-graben dip slope and a fluvial-dominated fan-delta system in the eastern half-graben. Sediments within the eastern half-graben unit include braidplain, fan-delta front and prodelta environments, while those within the western half-graben dip slope unit comprise dominantly alluvial fan, wave-reworked beach, storm-affected shoreface and offshore sediments. The strikes of the sediments in the western half-graben dip slope unit are parallel to the westward shoreline trend, while the progradation direction of sediments in the eastern half-graben unit is perpendicular to the eastern shoreline. This indicates approximately northwestward-propagating waves that were possibly driven by southeasterly winds, which has implications for understanding the prevailing wind direction in Northeast Asia during the depositional period. Other factors contributing to the preservation of these two distinct sedimentary systems are the paleotopography and subsequent climate shift towards more humid climatic conditions which intensified sediment supply and hydrodynamic conditions that were able to rework the sediments.



