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Optimization of short chain volatile fatty acids production from household food waste for biorefinery applications
Environmental Technology & Innovation ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2021.101562
Giuseppe Strazzera , Federico Battista , Barbara Tonanzi , Simona Rossetti , David Bolzonella

Household Food Wastes (HFW) are the most abundant organic wastes at urban level with a worldwide annual production of about 2 billion tons. This material can be the right feedstock for a carboxylate biorefinery platform. This work investigated the influence of different operational parameters (pH, temperature, Organic Loading Rate) on the Volatile Fatty Acids production and on their composition. It was demonstrated that, keeping constant the fermentation duration at 6 days, neutral pH, thermophilic temperature (55 °C) and an organic loading rate of 11 gTVS per Liter per day maximized the VFA production with a yield of 0.38 gVFA per gTVS fed. Under these conditions, the main VFAs were butyric and caproic acids with percentages around 60 and 20%, respectively.3. The analysis of the mixed microbial community performed over the reactor operation showed the dominance of members of Firmicutes phylum mainly affiliated to Clostridium and Lactobacillus genera. The process was mostly driven by Clostridium species in mesophilic runs characterized by stable VFAs production and highest yields whereas Lactobacillus was enriched under thermophilic operating conditions.



家庭食物垃圾(HFW)是城市水平上最丰富的有机垃圾,全球年产量约为20亿吨。该材料可以作为羧酸盐生物精炼平台的合适原料。这项工作研究了不同操作参数(pH,温度,有机负荷率)对挥发性脂肪酸生产及其组成的影响。结果表明,在6天,中性pH,嗜热温度(55°C)和11 gTVS /升/天的有机负载速率下保持恒定的发酵持续时间可使VFA产量最大化,每gTVS饲喂量为0.38 gVFA。在这种条件下,主要的VFA是丁酸和己酸,其百分比分别约为60%和20%。3。主要属于梭状芽胞杆菌属和乳酸杆菌属的硬毛。该过程主要由嗜温梭菌属菌种驱动,其特征在于稳定的VFA产生和最高的收率,而乳酸杆菌则在嗜热的操作条件下富集。
