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Changing diets - Testing the impact of knowledge and information nudges on sustainable dietary choices
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 7.649 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101610
Meike Morren , Jantsje M. Mol , Julia E. Blasch , Žiga Malek

A shift to more sustainable diets is needed to ensure food security and to reduce the pressure on the environment. Yet, many consumers have misconceptions about the environmental impacts of their diets and lack knowledge on how to prepare sustainable meals. This study uses a mixed-methods approach to develop four information nudges and to test their impact on dietary choices among a representative sample of Dutch consumers. A 2 × 2 between-subjects design crossing type of information (procedural versus declarative) with type of impacts (health versus environmental) is applied. The environmental impact is measured in terms of CO2 emissions, land use and water use. We find that pre-intervention knowledge about sustainable or healthy diets is related to the sustainability of participants’ dietary choices. Procedural knowledge on how to prepare a healthier meal has the greatest potential to influence dietary behavior, in particular for participants without prior self-reported dietary restrictions.



需要转向更具可持续性的饮食,以确保粮食安全并减轻对环境的压力。然而,许多消费者对饮食对环境的影响有误解,并且缺乏有关如何准备可持续膳食的知识。这项研究使用混合方法来开发四个信息微调,并测试它们对代表性的荷兰消费者样本中饮食选择的影响。A2×2主题间设计采用信息类型(过程性与声明性)与影响类型(健康与环境)交叉的方式。对环境的影响以CO 2排放量,土地使用和水的使用量来衡量。我们发现干预前关于可持续或健康饮食的知识与参与者饮食选择的可持续性有关。有关如何准备更健康餐食的程序性知识具有最大的潜力来影响饮食行为,特别是对于没有事先自我报告饮食限制的参与者。
