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Employing satire and humor in facing a pandemic
HUMOR ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1515/humor-2021-0001
Massih Zekavat 1

This research employs the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Focus Theory of Normative Conduct to convey how The Late Show with Stephen Colbert employs humor and satire with the aim of providing information, proffering injunctive norms, and modifying attitudes and subjective norms in its public audience, while exposing the inefficacy of behavioral controls and urging public authorities to adopt effective ones instead. In the earlier stages of the pandemic in the US, the Show primarily appealed to people to change their behavior through providing information, invoking injunctive norms and affiliations, foregrounding appropriate attitudes and subjective norms; at the same time, its repertoire included social and political satire drawing on organizational and institutional mechanisms of behavioral control. As the health crisis became increasingly politicized, the Show redirected its satire to policies and political figures and sought to change the behavior of policymakers in setting proper role models and adopting wiser behavioral controls to lead the nation through the crisis. Meanwhile, individual responsibility was never spared in satiric attempts to change behavior as the Show continued to provide its audience with new scientific information and encouraged them to follow scientific recommendations.



这项研究采用计划行为理论和规范行为关注理论来传达斯蒂芬·科尔伯特(Stephen Colbert)的《晚间表演》如何运用幽默和讽刺意味,以期向公众提供信息,提供禁令规范并修改态度和主观规范,同时揭露行为控制的无效性,并敦促公共当局采取有效的行为控制。在美国大流行的早期阶段,表演主要呼吁人们通过提供信息,援引禁令规范和从属关系,表现出适当的态度和主观规范来改变其行为。同时,它的曲目包括利用行为控制的组织和制度机制进行的社会和政治讽刺。随着健康危机变得越来越政治化,该节目将讽刺转向政策和政治人物,并试图改变政策制定者的行为,以树立适当的榜样并采取更明智的行为控制,以带领国家度过这场危机。同时,随着表演继续向观众提供新的科学信息并鼓励他们遵循科学的建议,在改变行为的讽刺尝试中,个人责任从未被幸免。